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Papa Johns Flour


New member
Hi everybody. Does anyone know if Papa Johns is using a High Gluten Flour, who the manufacturer is or what the protein content is? Thanks.
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I’ve looked closely at their product and I would guess that they are using a flour with about 13 to 13.2% protein content. This would be equivalent to (General Mills) Gold Medal Hi-Power, North Dakota Mills Straight Grade, or possibly General Mills Superlative or Full Strength, which come in at about 12.6% protein content.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks for your reply doc. I had occasion to try some this past week & it tasted (the dough) far from chewy. It was very light, bland almost. What do you know of their dough formulation & does the lack of chewiness arise from low gluten levels? Thanks for your reply.
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I work at PJ and will ask my boss and see if he knows, and if I am privy to the information and able to share it with you, I will.
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I don’t think there is anything special about their dough formulation, but the key to the tender eating characteristics is the same as it is for Pizza Hut, fermentation. Both as dough ball fermentation and as proofing.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, would you elaborate what you mean by fermentation? Longer vs shorter etc. In cooler or room temp?
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Just keep on track with your finished dough temperature, to keep it in the 80 to 85F range, or in some cases, you might find that 75 to 80F works better in your specific shop, just keep the temperature consistent. Maintain consistency with your cross stacking time prior to down stacking, then allow the dough to ferment for at least 18 hours before using it. Remember to temper the dough at room temperature for 1.5 or 2 hours, which ever works best for you, before starting to use the dough. Use the dough over a three hour period. Allow the pan dough to rise in the oiled pan for 45 to 70 minutes, you will need to determine what time works best in your shop to give you the product that you want. Time in the cooler and proof time in the pan are considered to be fermentation time. The dough wil be good to use for up to three days.
I hope this helps.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Back in the late 90s and for a while thereafter, PJ said at its website that it was using a high protein flour from hard red spring wheat. I believe most considered that to be a high-gluten flour or something close to it.

Now, PJs says at its website that it uses a proprietary high protein flour. Of course, that could still be a high-gluten flour, but it could also be something less.

I don’t think I would get too carried away with the type of flour they are using. Since dough is delivered “fresh” to the PJ stores, the commissaries have to prepare the dough to make it from the commissaries to the stores to be used in a reasonable time after delivery. That can mean having to make a dough with a long “window”, which could be a few days to up to a week or more. The dough formulation and dough management (e.g., using small amounts of yeast and low temperatures across the board) will have to fit that approach. That approach doesn’t necessarily mean a better dough. An independent might be able to use the same or equivalent flour to make fresh dough in the shop daily that will be better than PJs because the formulation and dough management may be better.
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