Just keep on track with your finished dough temperature, to keep it in the 80 to 85F range, or in some cases, you might find that 75 to 80F works better in your specific shop, just keep the temperature consistent. Maintain consistency with your cross stacking time prior to down stacking, then allow the dough to ferment for at least 18 hours before using it. Remember to temper the dough at room temperature for 1.5 or 2 hours, which ever works best for you, before starting to use the dough. Use the dough over a three hour period. Allow the pan dough to rise in the oiled pan for 45 to 70 minutes, you will need to determine what time works best in your shop to give you the product that you want. Time in the cooler and proof time in the pan are considered to be fermentation time. The dough wil be good to use for up to three days.
I hope this helps.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor