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Par baking bases


New member
I’m making bases foe vegan pizzas and want to know best way to par bake.
We use a MM PS360 conveyor oven set at 245c for 7.5 minutes
The bases will be made to suit vegans and when rolled out we want to par bake and freeze them in sealed bags.
What is best way to par bake i.e. time and temp and when stored in an airtight sealed bag how long should they last?
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A good starting point temperature wise will be 204C with a baking time of 3.5 to probably not more than 4-minutes.
Invert crusts IMMEDIATELY upon removal from the oven and place on screens to cool.
When cooler they can be bagged and refrigerated for up to a week or frozen for up to about 6-weeks.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks Tom.
Did a batch tonight and they came out well. Bagged them and put them in the freezer for use.
Will see how they turn out when cooked.
Thanks again
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