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par baking crust


New member
a while back i put a post about par baking crust. I was advised to use tec gums to keep the crust from drying out like a cracker. I tried it and it worked but we are having a hard time getting the dough consistant. The first time I used it it made a great crust that had texture and crispiness that I was able to obtain with a fresh douch. The next time we did it we were not so lucky. If we cooled the dough in a refer prior to finishing and packaging it would that make a difference?

this past week we made some sample pies. The baker is using the same recipe, proofing it for 24 hours in the retarder and wrapping them in a shrink tunnel. I think he wrapped them when they were still warm. would that cause the crust to dry out?

Im thinking we need to continue with the existing recipe because the crust has a great flavor, it is just a little to crunchy on the edges and a little doughy in the middle.

Any feedback or advice would be great.
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When I was par-baking & using the gum added-in, we definitely cooled the crust before topping…we never used a shrink tunnel tho…used a gun…the extra heat, tho minor in time, might have a small impact…

I would make sure you add the gum in early in the mixing process too…how much gum are you using for 50# of flour?

Also make sure you are using food grade shrink wrap…
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we are packaging in a wholesale bakery, shrink wrap is food grade. The cheese on these latest samples was a little melted, I think that is what he did, packaged them while still warm. Iam going to have him cool them next time prior to topping.

when you were doing your par baked, how close were they to the pies you made in your shop
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Par-bakes will never be ‘as good as’ a freshly baked pizza, but you can get it pretty close…we used to proof our dough after sheeting…a quick 3 minute trip thru the conveyor…then cooled…if you add/brush a little olive oil on the crust prior to the sauce, you’ll find the cheese & sauce are less likely to slide off…

Our pie was designed as a thicker crust, with good bread crumb & flavor…
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