I have a friend of nearly 20 years that has a very successful dessert bakery business. He knows I have a passion for pizza. I have never worked in a pizza shop or restaurant business. He has approached me about helping to set up a pizza operation in his bakeries. I was hoping to treat the pizza side of the business as a separate entity within his business. I wanted to operate as partners with my payback being a small percentage of the pizza sales. I have no interest in the other side of the business. He has the idea of paying me hourly with incentives to buy stock in the larger company at a fixed price. While I have no experience in the pizza industry I have developed a good simple sauce and dough that is easily reproduced. Does a dough, sauce recipe combined with a passion bring any real value to this partnership? Should I be happy with an hourly wage based on my lack of experience? What incentives should I expect if this is a successful venture? He currently has a large commissary combined with 10 bakery locations there is potential for real success.
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