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Paul7979 you out there?

How is the call sequencer going?
So far it is going great. We had introduced a Philly Cheesesteak pizza 3 or 4 weeks prior to installing the call sequencer. In order to try to measure the effectivness of our TV advertising, the only place we advertised them was on our commercials. Sales were pretty slow, averaging 10-15 of them a week. Since putting it on the call sequencer we have been selling between 10 and 20 per day and outselling any other of our specialty pizzas. Online ordering has increased by nearly 50 percent as I also push the online option on the call sequencer. I feel we’re getting fewer calls asking “what are your specials?” but plenty still ask. The telemarketing calls have been practically eliminated. Ticket averages have been pretty high since installing it but that’s sometimes cyclical. I have yet to have a single negative comment about it from anyone.

On the downside I do see a few local calls hang up prior to the phone ringing on our system. I’m not sure if it is more than would hang up anyway, but I notice them more now. The caller ID on my phone system will not work with the call sequencer. I do have caller ID on my computers but I definitely prefer to have it on my phones as well.

As much as I miss the caller ID on my phones, I wouldn’t hesitate to install another one in any future Delco I open. I believe the positives FAR outweigh the negatives of it.
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