PDQ VS FoodTec


New member
Hi all:

I’m new to this messgae board and was directed here by a friend of mine. I have a major decision I have to make in regards to my pizza shop and that is purchasing a POS system. I’ve done my homework for the past 6 months and i’m very close to pulling the trigger and i’m going to go with either PDQ or FoodTech. This is a major step for me because the cost of these system are so high however the reward is to good to pass on at this point. As we all know the economy isn’t the greatest right now which is one of the main reasons why i’m going with a system. I really need to be able to track my customers, Food Cost, Labor cost and really take my business to the next level so i’m asking you my fellow Pizza shop owners do you have any feedback on either of these two companies. I don’t care if it’s good or bad just be honest with me and let me know if you had to choose who would you go with and why? How reliable are these companies, How is their Tech Support, & if you have one of these systems how often do they go dow and for how long?

The Pizza King
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Congratulations on deciding to add a POS to your store. No matter which you choose you will improve your operations significantly. I have never used either of these so I can’t comment on their operation. I do feel I can comment a little bit on my first impression of their customer service. To start with, it took me four phone calls to Food Tec at different times of the afternoon on different days to not get an answering machine in their sales department. When I finally did reach Andrew, he was pretty certain their POS could do what I was looking for, but was going to double check and get back to me. That was two weeks ago and haven’t heard from him yet.

PDQ answered the phone right away and was certain they could make their system do what I needed. They had a sales person call me later that afternoon to get some info and I was supposed to hear back the next day. 4 weeks later no call back.

For the prices the POS companies charge for their systems and ongoing tech support I’m very surprised that once they have a prospect, they don’t follow up. Seems silly to me.
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Great answer’s by dipaulos pizza and paul7979 nice to see some honest opinions.
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I never really looked at PDQ, however I looked at FoodTec, Revention, and Speedline. I never got a quote from Speedline, I didn’t want one. I got a quote from Revention and FoodTec and Revention was less expensive. I bought a Revention system in November and I am very pleased. Tech supportt is absolutely great and the online ordering is great at $49 a month, no matter how many orders you process. I also love the all in one units, the install is very clean and easy to keep clean. I just bought some great washable keyboards that are wireless with integrated mouse pads from a place called www.wetkeys.com and they make everything so simple, no wiring disasters like a regular desktop and monitor.

Good luck with whomever you choose, ask a lot of questions and make sure you get the answer you are looking for!

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