Peerless ovens?


New member
I would like to know everyone’s thoughts on the Peerless brands pizza deck ovens. Are they better, worse or the same as the other big oven names out there (Baker’s Pride, Blodgett or Marsal Sons)? They are very cost effective and seem ok. They do have low BTU’S. Any feedback from someone who uses them or used them is appreciated.

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Until you get more specific feedback, you can find some older threads about these ovens using the SEARCH: peerless ovens search

Type in “peerless ovens” and you’ll get serveral response about them. Just a few down is an owner who had used all sorts of ovens.
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Thanks Nick. I did search before but I was seeing if I could anymore feedback. What type of ovens do you use?
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I am a relatively low volume shop; think 40 pie (mixed sizes) peek hour. I used 1 Bakers Pride 600 . . . I have 2 of them, and never met full capacity. I could have done MUCH more than we ever did, probably more than double. It takes a tender knowing their craft, but those ovens are bulletproof, fuel efficient if newer, and make great pies. If you got high volume . . . then you need more ovens or a conveyor option.

Mine sat unused for about 8 months now, and I’m getting a tech to come look them over and free up any rusted moving parts; maybe clean the burners; make sure firing all 120K BTU into the oven at all times.
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Thank you George. I’m finding out they’re the way to go. What about Marsal Ovens? I’ve heard good things about them.

I appeciate it the info Nick!

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Jason, Have you tried them yet? I presently use Blodgetts which I love, but I am at capacity and loose heat due to higher volume from when I opened. These hold more pizzas at a smaller foot print, was thinking of switching. Would love anyones feedback.
Again, Love my Blodgetts…they just dont keep up anymore.
Thank You. Brian