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From the end of this week we will have iPhone and Android apps for our business as well as a QR Code.
Our next menu will highlight these features.
Maybe we can generate more sales from the app savy customers out there.
Lucky I have heaps of staff who can explain and demonstrate to me what it all means and how it works :oops:
Outside of Daddio who has a QR Code, is there anyone else using QR Codes and phone apps and would they like to tell of their experiences and if it drove their business along further?
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I have QR codes on all of my saturation mailers now, and the code links them to sign up for our rewards program.

On my last saturation run I sent 20,000 postcard and got about 30 scans. Not the best in the world, but it doesn’t take up much real estate on the card.

I want to do a phone app, but I want to have one developed myself. I can get an app from my rewards program provider, and I can get one from my online ordering provider… but I want them combined.
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Sure Dave exclude me because I’m in Canada :lol:
Sorry Richard but I thought you’d be using all your energy to stay warm :lol:
As you were probably the first here to use QR Codes it would be interesting to see how you have gone with it.
I was looking for others out there as well who may be using one, AS WELL AS YOURSELF :roll: 😛
I know it’s hard being second to Australia, but you still have the luxury of being in front of the US 😛
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We have had an I phone app for over a year and have had just a few customers using it, we have plans for a droid app in the future but its not a pressing need. we have used QR codes to drive people to our Facebook page. It is pretty good, I have noticed its mostly the 18-30 yr old male that use it.
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