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Phone System


New member
We are seriously looking into purchasing a new phone system & I wanted to get some feedback if possible. Right now we are running a basic RCA 4 line phone system & it has worked ok. We are a relatively high volume delivery/QSR pizza concept & the system is at time inadequate. When we put someone on hold it is just dead air & we are trying to step up our level of professionalism.

At the Expo we came across the SUTUS phone system that seems to be pretty robust. The only problem I have is I do not know any operators that use they system. The system is pretty cool & records calls, tracks hangups, hold time & much more. Not only that it will integrate with our POS & call a customer when the driver dispatches with the delivery. To get the system into our store it is going to cost us about $5,700.

Does anyone have experience with this system?

Have another one they think we should look at?

Anything else I should be thinking about or looking at?
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For about a third of the price you can have a refurbished Avaya phone system or something similar. To this you can hook up a call sequencer or message on hold system. That would be my suggestion if cost is an issue. I do think the reports and the recordings could be useful. For various reasons, I wouldn’t want a system to call customers when the order is dispatched. This system was suggested to me by someone and I just couldn’t get over the pricetag. I would call a local phone guy and see what he has to suggest.
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