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Phones for


New member
was wondering what everyone is using for their stores. I have an AT&T phone but still hard to hear with all the background noise
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Invest in a quality phone for sure. Look for something with noise cancellation, it makes a huge difference. I had cheap 15 dollar phones and I swear I could hear the guy across the room on table 7 through the earpiece better than the person I was talking to on the phone… I grabbed a cordless from Office Depot for like 100 bucks and it has noise cancellation which works fantastically when put up against the cheap ones.

Other location has a Panasonic PBX system with Panasonic phones and it’s also fantastic, but probably overboard unless you’re a pretty large place.
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We just switched to internet phones this week we used to have at&t and I have to say that the phone calls are much more clear and louder than they were before its almost like the connection is just better quality. Not to mention it cut my phone bill in half maybe something you could look into.
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