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Picard Pizza Oven


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Does anyone have experience with the Picard Pizza oven. Any reviews negative or positive would be appreciated. Looking for stone results combined with consistency and ease of conveyor.
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I’ve worked with the Picard ovens. They do a very nice job, but they are a bit pricy.
When properly set-up, and with the correct baking disks, any of the new, air impingement ovens will also give you a very nice hearth baked characteristic too.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Without stirring the conveyor/deck debate, the Picard stone-conveyor looks quite interesting…

I agree w/the good Dr., a great pizza can be produced from a conveyor, but once it hits the box & bag - it suffers…
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Patriot’sPizza » Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:37 am
I agree w/the good Dr., a great pizza can be produced from a conveyor, but one it hits the box & bag - it suffers…

Is that not true with all pizzas? I have seen operators of all types of baking equipment comment here that the quality of their product is degraded once it is placed in the box.

George Mills
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Picard is a nice concept oven.

• Unable to doublestack or allow for an additional oven
There’s a restaurant here that has them doublestacked. Not sure if the factory would void the warranty for it but they definitely are stacked.
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Interesting, there was a client that had one in NM and Picard told them either a doublestack was not available or not authorized. Maybe they have changed over the last few years.

I would like to know more if anyone has insight into this?
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Also on the Picard website for the LP-200 stone belt conveyor…it lists dimensions for the single and double stacked units. So yes you can stack them. Looks like you can get around 180 16" pies an hour out of a double stack with a 32" belt width and the longer length cavity. Pretty good output I would say.
Picard Ovens LP-200 Stone Conveyor oven comes in many different sizes including industrial custom sizes. The commercial size ovens can indeed be double stacked. I’d recomment going to the web site and downloading the brochure to have more information. You’ll find brochures and technical documents.
As for the capacity, the LP-200 can bake upto 165 12" pies at 4 minutes a pie. Some Pizza will cook in as little as 2 minutes.

I hope this helps you

Kristine Marchetti
Marketing Manager
Picard Ovens,Inc.

[email protected]
800 668-1883
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i tryed cooking pizza in one. with no pan. when pizza was almost coming out and it was supposed to slide off granite part into belt outer part - it got stuck to granite becoause of piece of cheese or smth… we had to shut down entire oven, reach in inside to move the pie around … i assume that wouldnt have happened with pan or disc being used, but whats the point of cooking on stone/granite if u using pans? imo
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If you look closely?, the seem to prefer/recommend using silicone baking paper…my observation…

In any respect, the guy I was helping never got the ca$h to reopen, but he didn’t use a screen or paper…

Who knows!
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Just a quick note. If you cook on stone or in a pan, if your cheese gets spilt over the top of the pizza you will have a sticking problem. With any conveyor type oven it is important to make sure you’re toppings are not spilling over. It would be important to not push the pizza into the oven with a force that could cause your toppings to fall over the front also. Lastly it is important to have the oven heated up to the temperature needed. Hope this help you out.
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I’m looking into new ovens and the Picard LP-200 seems awesome, and almost too good to be true. Any new info from anyone? I’m hoping to see one in action at Pizza Expo!

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Mark your calendars - Picard Ovens will be exhibiting at the International Pizza Expo March 25-27 booth number 241.
We also will have our Lp-200 stone conveyor in the pizza competition and our new Modulux oven will be used for the gluttin free pizza competition. We are very excited to be showcasing some very new and exciting ovens at our booth. We would love for you to come say hello and get some information about our ovens
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  1. I dont see any discussions about the Picard rotary pizza ovens… does anyone have any user experience with thes
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I’m not familiar with the Picard Rotary Oven but I am familiar with the Picard traveling/tunnel/conveyor deck ovens which utilize a series of small hearth decks joined on a conveyor to provide a hearth bake experience with the convenience of a conveyor oven. They work quite well. We had one in our annual Practical Pizza Production Seminar for a couple of years so we got some good hands on experience with it.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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We have 2 Picard Revolution ovens and they’re great. Cutler/Middle Marshall were the best and is slightly better as far as recovery but with major drawbacks…
Its a gas hog, it has an extremely large footprint and they’re not made anymore.
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We have 2 Picard Revolution ovens and they’re great. Cutler/Middle Marshall were the best and is slightly better as far as recovery but with major drawbacks…
Its a gas hog, it has an extremely large footprint and they’re not made anymore.
What restaurant are you using this oven in Chicago?
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Interesting, there was a client that had one in NM and Picard told them either a doublestack was not available or not authorized. Maybe they have changed over the last few years.

I would like to know more if anyone has insight into this?
Marcus i see you are in phoenix that is just a $70 plain flight from me. Are you still in the equip bizz?
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