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Pick Your Neighbor! What would you try to look for?


New member
I’m in strip shopping center and we occupy 1/3 of the building (2 of the 6 units) the unit next store is up for lease, and it is currently a hair cutting place. What would you try to get the land lord to place in there? Or what can I put in there that would compliment my dine-in/delivery pizza shop that has a bar.

The video store in town just folded under the pressure from 2 Blockbusters, both about 5 miles away.

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I have a tanning salon next to me and they bring in a huge amount of traffic. I do a coop advert with them and it has brought in a better return than any other that i have done.
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How about a “Once Upon a Child” or some other kids clothing store? I’m thinking out loud, not having any useful experience to give. Seems like kids seeing a pizza joint just screams profit. You’d have to cater to the kids though.

Otherwise, how about a Walgreens or other “big box” pharmacy… I’m thinking something to give more foot traffic. I figure one of those won’t fit in the space you have though.
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Movie rentals . . . cooperative marketing “Dinner and a Movie”.

Brothels and cannibis being illegal, that’s my best thought.
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Hello Scott, I am next to a Beer Dist. and I think there is nothing better than a one stop shop.Get your pizza and beer at one place.We hold diff. beer or food tasting events that work well for the both of us.
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On one side of me I have a Karate studio and the other a Movie Gallery. I never want to move!

The karate place brings in earlier traffic (4:30-6:00) and the Movie Gallery brings in later traffic.

All three of us do co-op advertising. The karate studio host birthday parties and they serve my pizza.

I would recommend the karate over the movie, because it is mostly families and the average order amount is higher.
A McDonalds! Mickey D’s spends literally MILLIONS to find out the best place to locate. Years ago I owned a Subway Sub Shop, I talked to corporate one day about locating a second store somewhere nearby and they suggested that I simply get as close as I could to a McDonalds. They said McD’s had it down to a science and I gotta agree. Have you ever seen a McD’s go out of business?
Brothels and cannibis being illegal, that’s my best thought.
Beat me to it Nick.

Sounds like you have the same warped mind as mine :lol:

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wow so I am looking good
as I said our building is being knocked down for a strip mall (8 stores including mine) we are accross the street from a mc donalds and in the strip mall is, a tanning salon, 6000sq ft liquoer store, blockbuster video (they are working on) so far has signed up…we are on the end
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Brothels and cannibis being illegal, that’s my best thought.
Brothels ? Illegal? not in NV hmm maybe I should open up down in Pahrump. It is a booming town for growth.

When the last voting on cannibis went to ballot we were hoping it would win. When you read about all the restricitions on who could sell it, it narrowed down the existing businesses real fast.

We’d be all set for the “Dime Bag Special” :lol:
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I have a dance shop next to me for mostly young girls. It brings in good traffic but their not open very much
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You are going to have a great spot. Do lots of coop adverts.
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