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Pizza and coffee


New member
Hey Guys,
We’re working on an article for the December edition on the ups and downs of offering coffee in your pizzeria. Has anyone has success offering coffee in your store? Any ideas?

Let us know,
Andrew Abernethy, PMQ Web Editor
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I have worked in 3 different pizza shops in which we offered coffee. When i did bi monthly inventory, our count of the coffee, especially decaf would barely move. we would make a pot for a customer every now and then and most of it would go to waste. we barely sold two or three cups a week. Could be different in another market.
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Never thought I would hear pizza (pizzeria) and coffee in the same sentence.

Maybe if you opened at 5/6 a.m that might work but I can’t imagine too many coffee drinkers thinking of a pizza place to get their fix, especially when theres already a bajillion options.

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I am not a big coffee drinker, if I do drink coffee, it has to be good coffee. I worked at a pizza place in NC, we toyed with the idea of opening up in the morning and serving gourmet coffee and pastries due to the traffic that went by on the way to the RTP in the morning.
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now that sounds better, but I’ll stick with the good ole pizza and beer. man, I miss yuengling
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Do you remember the bag of ice? well I am going to do a free thermus of coffe with any lunch purchase.
On a side note I am going to be partnering with the local Starbucks this weekend to offer there new via, and hot chocolate. here is my idea I am propsing. They are desperate to promote and reach goals of selling via coffee.
My pizzeria is right next to a park where 1000’s of people will visit this weekend for a haunted hayride. I had planned on doing 2 banners that state FREE HOT CHOCOLATE AT ROCKSTAR PIZZA. one person holding the sign and and 2 large signs (total cost including wages 125.00 ) My idea now is to sit down with starbucks manager tonight and propose this.
I buy the Via to give away (up to 125.00, in exchange for she provides a starbucks employee to hold the sign, and one in full uniform at my store (they have impecible customer service) handing out hot cocoa and Via coffee. We get full dining rooms and yes I know there will be plenty of people here just for the free hot cocoa there always are but the good will and the wow thank you from our loyal customers goes a long way.
Event is tomorrow and the meeting is tonight (thursday october 15th at 7pm so hurry with the feedback…please
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We started with a regular coffee maker… which no one ever bought any… so i got rid of it, but every now and again someone will ask for a cup of coffee so i got that Keriug machine, it’s a little cup of coffe grounds that you put into the machine and it spits out exactly 8oz.

For the employees is “almost” idiot proof. And people that do buy it, like the taste. So it’s a good fit for us.

I say we sell 2-4 cups a week. As compared to 2500-3000 cups for pop per week.
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If you anticipate selling enought, you might be able to get free equipment from a supplier, ask your food rep if he has any contacts like that. I managed a place and used US food service. we had those god awful fountain tea dispensers. We got rid of them and my food rep hooked me up with a guy who came in and hooked us up with a brewing machine and two tea dispensers for free.
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If you anticipate selling enought, you might be able to get free equipment from a supplier, ask your food rep if he has any contacts like that. I managed a place and used US food service. we had those god awful fountain tea dispensers. We got rid of them and my food rep hooked me up with a guy who came in and hooked us up with a brewing machine and two tea dispensers for free.
That’s what we have. We buy their coffee and they supply the machine. The coffee is competivly priced and its’s good coffee, but we still don’t sell any. We are in the same plazza as a Tim Hortons. We lowered our prices lower than theirs, our customers tell us their coffee tastes taste like dishwater; but we still don’t sell any coffee. Maybe 10-15 a week. Most of the time we drink it, our employees drink it or we give it to our customers while they are waiting for their order.
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If you anticipate selling enought, you might be able to get free equipment from a supplier, ask your food rep if he has any contacts like that. I managed a place and used US food service. we had those god awful fountain tea dispensers. We got rid of them and my food rep hooked me up with a guy who came in and hooked us up with a brewing machine and two tea dispensers for free.
That’s what we have. We buy their coffee and they supply the machine. The coffee is competivly priced and its’s good coffee, but we still don’t sell any. We are in the same plazza as a Tim Hortons. We lowered our prices lower than theirs, our customers tell us their coffee tastes taste like dishwater; but we still don’t sell any coffee. Maybe 10-15 a week. Most of the time we drink it, our employees drink it or we give it to our customers while they are waiting for their order.
Exactly why I have the Kreuig machine, it cost $1 for the machine and the hookup to the water line… all we pay for is the coffee (known as a K-Cup)
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