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Pizza bags: Who do you like?


New member
Need to buy a couple of dozen hot bags and the company we used to buy them from is no longer around. Whose bags do you like and why?

We like to get bags that will hold 3X 16" pies.
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We have been using bag solutions “Pizza Jackets” as well. They do a great job keeping pizza warm and they have a cute little handle on bottom which turns out to be useful on very windy days. My only complaint with them is that after about a year or so the Velcro starts to give out but that is easily fixed with a trip to the Hobby Lobby.
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My problem with pizza bags is that they disappear. Can’t say how or why, but I guess about 5-10 per year just evaporate.
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I’ve done a few hundred deliveries over the last couple of years, I left one on a porch swing once on a rainy day… I got 2 blocks away and than realized it wasn’t next to me in the car and drove back and got it. Not sure how they disappear but I read about them going missing often. Aside from that one instance I never came close to losing one.

I also use bag solution, I have a few that the velcro went out on after a year or two and they’re piled on top of the walk-in somewhere. I’ll have to check out the Hobby Lobby solution to see if I can re purpose them, as it sucks to trash a perfectly good bag because of the velcro.
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We use bag solutions also. I’ve tested just about every bag out there and I can’t find a better value.
Good price
Quick shipping
Good material for hot relatively crisp pizzas

Velcro wears out fast
Seams bust out if they are over stuffed ( that’s on us though )

There are ones out there that last longer and have more insulation but the bang for the buck just isn’t there. No matter which one I test I’m just not as happy as with the bag solutions ones

I order about 50 every 3 or 4 months to replace lost and worn out ones
We also use them for our school orders. We have about 30 of the XXL that hold 12 16 inch pizzas. Those last a good 2 to 3 years. The zippers are what eventually gives out on those.
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Thanks for the reminder I was going to order last month and got too busy. I placed an order today.
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We also use bag solutions the velcro does wear out but i will replace those myself when they do wear down
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The other day I stopped at another pizza place on my day off to get a gyro( I don’t have those yet)
A former employee of mine now works there, they keep all their deliv bags in a hallway en route to the bathroom. I spot 2 of my bags there.
Another reason bags dissaper after they quit they find bags in their messy cars
Does anyone check cars for messiness?
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I switch between Bag Solutions and Thermal Bags by Ingrid. About the same quality and price but I buy a batch of 3 dozen each August for each store and toss out the bad ones. By alternating I can keep track easier which ones are super old.
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I get Thermal Bags by Ingrid shipped to Australia about a third of the price buying them here.
We have had two batches sent and only one has had the velcro wear out and that is after 5 years constant use.
They last well with minimum evidence of wear, keep temperature for 30 + minutes and are great value.
To top it off I have found them a great company to deal with and good communicator.
Highly recommend
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One more vote for Bag Solutions. Most hardware stores or “mega” stores like Wal-Mart carry Velcro in pre-cut pieces with adhesive backs. The warmth of the pizza can sometimes soften the adhesive, to I usually sew it around the edges as an extra precaution.
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When these bags are shipped to Canada, are the shipping and brokerage charge “hefty”…Was “pondering” looking into to stocking them in Canada and shipping from here…
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