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Pizza Box Totes


Staff member
I was just asked to quote on these for a client…Something I had never seen before…

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Seen these a couple years ago at the food show in Vegas, at the time they were quite pricey, at 2.80 each, this is right up there with the pizza box debate. do you feel like the RIO is there? I would love to hear some feedback from everyone one on this. With the price of everything going up we are thinking of going back to plain boxes and using box toppers. This is one of those …I don’t know…
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Not sure what these cost as I am still waiting for a call back…Many of the totes I sell are over 2.80 each so if they are 2.80 it would not surprize me…Not sure what these cost as I am still waiting for a call back…They claim to have a “patent pending” and if they do it may drive the price up…ROI is always hard to measure…Lot of pizza folks give away free food after so many purchases…I always thought that was not a good idea…To me giving away t-shirts, totes, etc. kept your cash flow and built your brand better…
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