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Pizza Cart


New member
I am looking at adding a pizza cart to my operation to compliment my pizza shop. The cart would be operated in the downtown sector on Friday and Saturday nights where the area is saturated by people out at the bars.

I am looking at purchasing a pizza cart that would hold about 25 pizzas and hold them at 180 degrees humidified. I would cook the pizzas at the pizzaria and have a driver deliver them to the cart. The cart would be heated with propane.

Just wondering if anyone forsees any issues with this scenario as it does not seem to be common practice in this industry.
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check w/your health department 2 see if that method is legal…

here (Fla) you must jump thru many hoops…

one scenario is you can only serve hot dogs w/license, sink etc…

another option is to get license 2 prepare food onsite…
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Before you get too far along, be sure to check with your local codes to see if they will allow a cart. I didn’t have a cart, but I didi have a small truck from which I sold product and I had to have a hand washing station with both hot and cold water, which also required a belly tank for holding the waste gray water.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I happen to recall seeing some specific instructions on health department applications regarding that kind of thing, too.
You’ll probably need city permit and a separate (or addendum) health permit to operate a cart.
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