Pizza Cloud phone system


New member
The last post I see about Pizza Cloud was in April. Has anybody else made the switch and, if so, would you have any comments? I am still contemplating a switch but the one thing that made me pause is where (I think) Steve said it took him 3 hours to install but could possibly require just an hour. I am not highly versed in all this technology so when I see install times like these from people who look like they know what they are doing I take a step back. If I could get it installed I am not that sure I could handle “issues” if they arise. Might I be overplaying this?
I have two stores now that use pizza cloud. The second store I just installed the system about a month ago. It took me literally 15 minutes to install. If you can plug in network cables and follow a diagram its very easy.
We switched to pizza cloud at the beginning of the year. It has worked out great for us, the system allows you to do so much more than a traditional phone system and the customer support has been excellent as well.
I am very happy with PizzaCloud. If you have a friend or teenager who is better at computers than you, maybe have them there to help you through any hiccups, but its not too hard.
Hi, I just switched to new pos system. But it doesn’t involve the phones. Im trying to understand why i would want pizza cloud. What are the top reasons?
The reason I initially got it was because my previous phone provider was losing service constantly, often on busy weekends. The pizza cloud has 4g backup that keeps phones and internet up at all times. So that was the main reason but some other reasons some might like, you can record sales messages on the phone that play before your employees answer the phone. You can also have it play a message when you are closed, and have it play a different message if you are closed for a special day ie Christmas. It has the ability to record every phone call if that is something you may be interested in (I have this off personally) but if you want to make sure your employees are answering phones well or see how an angry customer situation was resolved it could be useful.
My favorite feature is the automatic ‘please hold message’ before Id have to ask current customer to hold on switch to the other line ask them to hold on then go back to the first line, then the third line would start ringing lol, this system handles all that flawlessly.

Its a no brainer. Do it as soon as you can absolutely no regrets
When I said 3 hours install, that included being on the phone with pizza cloud as they made the necessary technical changes on their end to the pepwave and phones to get up and running. Yes, it’s mostly network cables, but you need to have knowledge of what your equipment is. Terms such as modem, sonicwall (firewall router) POE router, etc. If you know what your equipment is, it’s no problem. My install, thinking back to it, included me changing the ends on my phone cables (we ran Ethernet cable for phone wires from the build out with pizza cloud eventually in mind) from standard one pair ends to Ethernet ends, I had to make 8 of the ends work which can be a real bitch sometimes. When my scheduled install time arrived I wasn’t exactly ready with all the ends. Sorry if I had you drag your feet some
I am an expert at procrastinating so after getting into this Pizza Cloud thing in Aug 20 I just now bought one for one of my locations. I also learned many, many years ago not to be impulsive when some new piece of technology is developed. In this country pioneers were the ones who wound up with arrows in their backs. My back was completely and permanently scarred. My son is pretty good with tech things which should make him smart but he is the food business (pizza) which is an offset to the “smart”. I think I was the first to introduce him to Pizza Cloud hoping that he would become a “pioneer”. I waited and waited but heard nothing from him. Earlier this month (June 21). I decided to make the move to buy one of the systems and so I texted my son to get an update on on anything he had learned. He responded that he bought one three months ago and loves it. I sarcastically thanked him and called Gabriel at Pizza Cloud to order mine. The upside here is that now I have local maintenance help in addition to the pizza cloud people in the person of my son and I will not hesitate to use my leverage.
I also especially appreciate the comments from “Steve” at Pizza Pirates. I don’t know if he was a pioneer and evolved (or survived) that stage and is now a smart operator.
I had pizza cloud set up my old temp phone number I had when we switched to Pizza Cloud to be a special number for my drivers to use if there is an issue on delivery. The number has its own special ringer and automatically gets right to the store without any messages regardless of how many customers are in the que.
We call it the Bat Line

I love Pizza Cloud
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I wouldn’t recommend them!! I have and when it goes down the owner John Scully will get loud with you and hangup. You can’t even call technical support cuz all are on same server. So your phones are down and theirs are also. When you sign up they’ll go on and on about the number of stores. But support just isn’t there. Oh also they’ve raised my prices from when I signed up even though I was on a fixed price.
When the service works it’s fine. But you’ll never rcv notice if the servers are down. So for example I haven’t been getting orders for over an hour without my knowing.
They charge for overage on mobile data. Then if you want more than 10gB u need to call every month. I’ve asked to raise the limit but it keeps receiving back.
If I had another option and hadn’t invested in this system already I would switch.
All in all sub par company run sub par. In my honest opinion

Multiple locations and multiple yrs with this svc.
I have a new Pizza Cloud still in the boxes unopened. Tried to reach someone at Piizza Cloud to see about sending it back. I would not mind a re-stocking fee but no response from Pizza Cloud.
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I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Multiple stores for multiple years. Support is always available and they are always pleasant to deal with. The only time my service is ever down, is if we completely lose power. John even personally came out to our location, last minute, (a 4 hour drive) when our standard phone company was down after a really bad storm (ended up being out for 2 weeks, we called John after 2 days). John restored internet and phone service for us. I’m pretty surprised to hear of your experience
We have had Pizza Cloud for about 4 years. By my estimations they have saved me around 100K in revenue loss and another 40K in phone bills. I’m located in a region where they turn certain power grids off if there are any high winds. Some of these power grids are home to my IP provider servers which means my internet goes down. The cell backup fires up when this happens and its business as usual. I’ve had to pay a usage overage here and there but it is litterally pennies compared to being unable to process credit cards or take online orders.

They also have other benefits such as call messaging and the ability to turn off the phones when you get slammed. That was a life saver during the “no one wants to work” days.

Have they gone down at times? Yes. We have been without phone service for 15 minutes or so 2 or 3 times over the years. This is better than our landline service was. We had times when we down for up 3 days with them.

Tech support. I have never had to wait for tech support. They have picked up the phone within 15 seconds anytime I have called.
I have a pizza cloud system I never used. Still in the unopened boxes. Would sell it for 50% of the going price. Got out of the pizza biz
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