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pizza del born in Barcelona


New member
Had a very nice slice and a beer at this Indy place in Barcelona today!

Here is a shot from the selection of slice pies.
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Check out Pizzeria Fabian if you get a chance in Barcelona! What other cities are you visiting? Did you take any pictures ?

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Missy, I had trouble with photo uploader on my mobile. First it would not go to select file, then after I posted and tried again from edit post the file size was a problem. Finally posted picture on FB because they automatically reduce the size, grabbed a copy of that and posted it.
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Nice! Let me know if you go to Libido pizza. The guy is super passionate (as you might tell from the name) and I recall he speaks English. Tall blonde Italian.

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That looks amazing! they must have some serious business to have all that ready to go!
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Have fun Steve ! For some odd reason pizza is not at the top of my dining choices these days ! Check out some FLEMENCO GUITARISTS in spain,
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I wish I was in a major metro area so we could do something like that presentation of slices
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