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Pizza Delivery Tip Of The Day


New member
When delivering to a poorly lit Juke joint bar on a very bright sunny afternoon, always pause for a moment to allow your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting.
Today I delivered to such a bar, there were about four people sitting at the bar and I set the pizza bag down on the bar in the empty space to their right. We did the transaction, I pocketed my $1.00 tip and a guy comes out of the bathroom and starts mumbling something. I picked up the bag and realize I set it down right on top of his shot, tipping it over. Cost me $4.50 to replace his drink.
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Lol so $4.50 to replace that shot.

1 gallon of Ranch dressing costs about $12

Booze is sold in 1 oz shots (some drinks have 1 shot, some have more)

1 gallon of ‘well’ grade booze costs about $10

People pay ~$4.00/oz of booze (common)

Ranch dressing costs more per ounce than booze, is served in larger portions, but is expected to be given away for free (and in multiple servings).
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Lol so $4.50 to replace that shot.

1 gallon of Ranch dressing costs about $12

Booze is sold in 1 oz shots (some drinks have 1 shot, some have more)

1 gallon of ‘well’ grade booze costs about $10

People pay ~$4.00/oz of booze (common)

Ranch dressing costs more per ounce than booze, is served in larger portions, but is expected to be given away for free (and in multiple servings).
Please tell me where you’re getting 128oz of ‘well’ booze for $10!? I think you mean 1 bottle… which is typically 750mL or just over 25 ounces. (25.36)

This means 1 oz of booze costs about 0.40 cents… using the ranch cost that you provided; that’s over 4x the cost of an ounce of ranch.

I fully realize that you posted this to be humorous; I just don’t want anyone doing some quick math and thinking ‘that shot costs me less than 8 cents?? Sure, double up on them to keep the customer happy!’ And then wondering why their bev cost skyrocketed exponentially…

I am curious though… is 1oz the standard shot size most people use? I’m using 1.5oz pours and curious where it stacks up.
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