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Pizza eating contest


New member
I’m thinking about holding a pizza eating contest in my community. What i am thinking about trying is a contest where the heads or a member of all my local organizations compete for a $500.00 grand prize. I would also have a 2nd and 3rd place award. Below are my points

  • []Gives me the opportunity to have a meet and greet with all organizations with in the community. I would like to put a face behind my product
    ]All of these organizations are always asking for $150 or $300 for sponsorship.
  • This event will in a way weed out the organizations that just want free money. To explain I have some schools that just want a free pizza card to put in a pizza basket with all of my competitors. I feel this does nothing for me, it’s not really promotional at all. I am looking more for exclusivity than anything.
There are some other points than i will post n another thread. If anybody has a pointers or tips please let me know


Point 3
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I am not a fan of eating contests. There are other ways to accomplish the key points in your list that would give you a higher profile. What if you hosted a meet and greet and gave the prizes to the organizations that have the greatest number of people attending? It would accomplish the points you set out and give ALL who attend the chance to try you pizza without encouraging anyone to over eat.
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i had a pizza eating contest last summer at our neighborhood block party it was a lot of fun…i got a bunch of good stuff to give away from coke ask your sales rep for free swag. and get a trophy made! I displayed ours for 2 months before the contest and it was a great way to get a buzz going, and it was only like 15 bucks.
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