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Pizza Expo Marketing ideas


New member
Hey folks I just want to invite all of you that are coming to the Pizza Expo and want some great marketing ideas to come to the Marketing panel discussion on Wednesday at 9 am.

Learn how I got my local Ford dealer to give me a 18k car for 6k, how I had 50 people go out and sell pizzas for me door to door and how it produced 40 new customers, how being involved in the community can make you money and many other ideas to increase you business!
Hope to see you there
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Ought to be good with the “Canucks” in town…Have fun guys and do not leave too much of our C$s there…
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Thanks it should be a good time and dont worry so far I have never left to much of my money there!
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Learn how I got my local Ford dealer to give me a 18k car for 6k, how I had 50 people go out and sell pizzas for me door to door and how it produced 40 new customers, how being involved in the community can make you money and many other ideas to increase you business!
I can’t make it out there this year but can you teach me that anyways? 😃
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Is this one of the free seminars(included with your $159 expo pass) or is there an additional charge to attend?
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Great to hear you are coming Daddio. Where are you staying?
I am in the cheap seats The Best Western Mardi Gras. I will be in around 10PM on monday.
If you still have my cell number sent me a text.
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Is it free as in my drinks are free as long as I’m gambleing? Those end up being the most expensive drinks I’ve ever had! :lol:
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Great to hear you are coming Daddio. Where are you staying?
I am in the cheap seats The Best Western Mardi Gras. I will be in around 10PM on monday.
If you still have my cell number sent me a text.
I am sure I have it somewhere I know it was i my old phone but PM it to me and that way I will have it again
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Is it free as in my drinks are free as long as I’m gambleing? Those end up being the most expensive drinks I’ve ever had! :lol:
Haha nope it is 100% free unless you decide to sign up for my program in which I will teach you the fundamentals of pizza making, marketing, P&L manipulation, how to raise your children, why you should never cheat on your wife and as a bonus how to build a pizza oven out of an old 45 gallon oil drum at the low cost of 499.99 and 199.00 per month for the next 10 years :lol:
Any takers?
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. . . . . as a bonus how to build a pizza oven out of an old 45 gallon oil drum at the low cost of 499.99 and 199.00 per month for the next 10 years :lol:
Any takers?
Only if you will email me two proven, powerful marketing secrets every month that are guaranteed to increase my business. Then it HAS to be worth the money.
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