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Pizza Expo Promo Code?

When looking at the 2013 Pizza Expo registration page it asks if you have a “promo code”. Does anybody know or have a promo code they could share? Where would one get a promo code? Any information appreciated.
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If you are planning to make a major purchase from one of the vendors at the show they may provide you with a pass.
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They charge admission to the show for the “customer”? Amazing. I have been attending trade shows in other industries for 30 years and NEVER paid admission to any of them.

Oh well, another reason not to go.
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Hey Richard just emailed my Roma rep to see what she can do


it wont be as fun w/o Wayne but we will have a beer in his honor
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They charge admission to the show for the “customer”? Amazing. I have been attening trade shows in other industries for 30 years and NEVER paid admission to any of them.

Oh well, another reason not to go.
I’ve always thought of the entrance fee as more of a payment to see the lectures/speakers than to enter the show floor. You’re right, there’s no way I would pay to walk a trade show floor where people try to sell me stuff!

I don’t think most attendees pay their own way though… I’ve gone four times and one of my distributors has provided me with two full passes every time.
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Fatboy you are going to have a full time job just keeping the twins in line. We will need to see about getting a think tank supper after the beer and bull session.
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I hear what you are saying with regard to there being value in programs. but…
  1. Having been a sales executive in two worldwide brands in another industry, my interest in taking a booth was always driven by who the buyer/attendees were and how many.
  2. Having served on an industry trade association board (in that other industry) that put on an annual trade show, my experience was that the programs and speakers were paid for by the show to attract attendance… and that attendance is what justified the exibitors booth fees so it kind comes around full circle to the same point:
If my attendance as a buyer is what justifies the exibitor fees and programs & speakers make it more likely that I will attend, I do not expect to be asked to pay admission.
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They charge admission to the show for the “customer”? Amazing. I have been attening trade shows in other industries for 30 years and NEVER paid admission to any of them.

i have been told the reason for the admission charge is that they want legitimate pizza operators in attendance. Years ago they were flooded with locals comeing in to feast on the food samples available at the show.

George Mills
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If you buy food from any of the distributors who are vendors at the show it would really surprise me if you had to pay to get in. We have gone now for 3 years & my distributor has picked up my entry fee each time.

But even if they didn’t I would pay to attend the seminars they offer. The majority of the speakers are worth the price of admission & then some. If you are really going to skip the expo b/c of a registration fee you are skipping dollars to pick up pennies in my opinion. Going to the expo has been one of the best returns on my money bar none.
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PL Pizza:
On Site Registration Fee: $210 seems like way too much.
Just for comparison here is a list of food trade shows that have a similar number of exhibitors.
  • WestEx - Colorado Restaurant Association $0
    Northwest Foodservice Show $25
    Coffee Fest Seattle $30
    Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo $65
    Expo Comida Latina $65
    Americas Food & Beverage Trade Show & Conference - IFE $70
    Kosherfest $80
    International Pizza Expo™ $210
    Specialty Coffee Conference & Exhibition $315
    Unified Wine & Grape Symposium $689
    Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo - ADA FNCE $729
    School Nutrition Association - SNA $885
    CaterSource & Event Solutions $899

The lower priced shows have very few seminar sessions and are 1 or 2 days at the most. Prices are for at the door registration.
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I have been every other year for last 15 years and never paid once. Either my distributor or POS company have given me a pass each time.

I am going this year pretty much to see Robert Irvine as the keynote speaker Tuesday AM.

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Forget a promo code do what i do,explain to one of the many distributors that it is in their best interest to get you tix to the show along with an extended hotel stay at a 5 star hotel.If they decline
stop ordering from them.I doubt anyone would lose a 300k account for 3k…
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Just Announced – first time attendees are eligible to receive a discount of $300 on their 2013 National Frozen Pizza Institute (NFPI) annual conference registration. Register today at the special, one-time only rate of $295. The NFPI Annual Conference is scheduled for March 18 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, just before the start of Pizza Expo.

Just noting what other shows charge

George Mills
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George Mills:
Just Announced – first time attendees are eligible to receive a discount of $300 on their 2013 National Frozen Pizza Institute (NFPI) annual conference registration. Register today at the special, one-time only rate of $295. The NFPI Annual Conference is scheduled for March 18 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, just before the start of Pizza Expo.

Just noting what other shows charge

George Mills
And this is a ONE DAY event.
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While I may be way off here but how many mom and pops do not go to the frozen pizza shows, these are geared to corporations. IE Red Baron and De Giorno pizza.
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To go off topic a bit, I have been waiting to purchase a POS until going to the Expo. Do they generally have ‘show specials’ at this event?
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