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Pizza Expo Recap: Did you have an AH HA! moment?


Staff member
We all go to Pizza Expo to better out businesses in some way or another. Whether it is learning something in a session or finding that new piece of equipment or a new recipe idea we all walk away with something. Share with the Think Tank what your AH HA! moment was.

One thing that struck me was an idea on employee rewards. I often think I know what my staff want as far as a “prize” for going above and beyond. One of the sessions suggested giving “Atta Boy” cards that have a set monetary value that can be redeemed for something that is meaningful to the individual. Maybe the thing that staff member needs at that time is a phone card or a gas card rather than an iTunes card. Make it their choice.
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We had several of these at the show in Columbus. Found great info while looking for a POS system. Lots of great marketing ideas. And most importantly for me as someone new to all of this, some reaffirmations on ideas that I already had.

One of the good ideas I came back with is a way to support the local HS booster club. Give them tickets for them to pass out that say something like “buy a large pizza and turn in this ticket and we’ll donate $2 to the booster club”. It lets them do the work of drawing people to our product and the increased sales will more than make up for the money we donate. It works out better than us just donating product to them.
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Mine was in a session where I learned there is a book out there on Amazon that teaches people how to steal money from you. I think it was called “Burn down the house”. Need to buy it so I know how many ways there are to steal.
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