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Pizza Hut Middle East Debuts Crusts Made Of Cheese Burgers..

They forgot the ones that have a bunch of tacos or fish fillets along the edge…

I guess their pizzas leave so much to be desired they feel the need to over compensate.

Now Pepsi can just combine Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Long John Silvers into one store!
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How do they get the buns to stick to the crust?

Maybe Wimpy can be their new spokesman.
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For any of you who were out at Pizza Expo last year, my partner Jeff Zeak, was working the XLT oven booth and he was making this type of pizza. We have not seen any pictures of the PH offering yet, but Jeff said he was using pieces of hamburger buns for the buns and actually making mini burgers for the buns and placing them around the edge of the pizza. Jeff is a lot more creative than I am in those ways.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Pizza Hut Middle East Debuts Crusts Made Of Cheeseburgers And Chicken Strips | HuffPost Life

Pizza Hut Middle East Debuts Crusts Made Of Cheeseburgers And Chicken Strips
I see this and I think of a combo platter of sort you might get at a 99 restaurant or such. In consideration of their quality, I am quite sure it is garbage but it is really thinking outside of the box. Hummm…perhaps for once there might be an idea given to the indie’s as opposed to the opposite. Test kitchen material for sure.

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Tom… I was hoping to find a link for the SNL video you talked about 🙂

Unless you were referring to the SNL nature of the video in the original post, lol.
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