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Pizza Hut Sucks

I agree 100% with your rant and it is nice to blow off steam every now and then but let it go now. Concentrate on your business and let them worry about you, not the other way around.
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Just laugh it off and see it for what it is… An unimaginitive local manager who can’t see the bigger picture of customer development. Despite the massive budget that Yum foods has available to market Pizza Hut, there are many local pizza shops that compete quite favorably with the local Pizza Hut franchise. If i was saddled with crappy ingredients to make my pizza, half my signage going to some unmarketed wing concept, idiotic novelty items like the p’zolos and Pepsi as my sole choice as beverage distributor, I might have to stoop to some teenage level of marketing and place signs next to my competition. i think the saying goes: imitation is the finest form of flattery. Be flattered that they feel the need to follow your marketing lead. Take the high road and don’t let it bother you. Next time, don’t even acknowledge it. Keep working to build your customer base 1 customer at a time.
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Yes I should have just blew it off. I guess in the end I needed to vent a little. I love this forum.
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Yes I should have just blew it off. I guess in the end I needed to vent a little. I love this forum.
Some of your clients will not like it if you come across as “whiny” in your own blogs, website and Facebook etc…So as much as you do not like what PH did, complaining about them might backfire…
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I agree with royster, customers (even loyal ones) may find the complaints about it distasteful albeit justifiable. They may feel like they are being brought in to the middle of something they don’t want to be in.
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I know someone who runs a pizza shop that puts a bounty on the big chain pizza shop signs. He gives his employees something like $5 for every sign they bring in.
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I know someone who runs a pizza shop that puts a bounty on the big chain pizza shop signs. He gives his employees something like $5 for every sign they bring in.
What a bad idea!..Encouraging folks to mess around with property belonging to others could have some criminal implications…And if you get PH on your case with their herd of lawyers you may not recover…
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Does it really still belong to them if they jam a sign into the dirt on some random street corner? Are these signs even legal to put up in the first place?
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I know someone who runs a pizza shop that puts a bounty on the big chain pizza shop signs. He gives his employees something like $5 for every sign they bring in.
What a bad idea!..Encouraging folks to mess around with property belonging to others could have some criminal implications…And if you get PH on your case with their herd of lawyers you may not recover…
Naw, a good idea, and great for the environment. The big bad corporation littering our little towns with their non-biodegradible plastics. His help in protecting the ecological well being of his community should be applauded, and the big pizza corps should be ashamed of themselves.

They should not be allowed to abandon what amounts to be sheets of potentially toxic material out in our greeneries.

In all seriousness, in our community (Plainfield, IN) you won’t see one of those Domino’s pizza signs anywhere, or any other non-permanent signage, unless you’re selling/leasing business space. The town won’t allow it. I have to wait until after 5pm (when the code enforcers get off work) just to put out some feather banners. I have to have them down before the next morning to avoid being fined. To get around this, you have to put out sign shakers. This summer, they’re getting read to nix the shakers as well.
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In all seriousness, in our community (Plainfield, IN) you won’t see one of those Domino’s pizza signs anywhere, or any other non-permanent signage, unless you’re selling/leasing business space. The town won’t allow it. I have to wait until after 5pm (when the code enforcers get off work) just to put out some feather banners. I have to have them down before the next morning to avoid being fined. To get around this, you have to put out sign shakers. This summer, they’re getting read to nix the shakers as well.
Sounds like its time to get a wrapped Smart Car, a box truck with the whole sides with your logo and possible possibly a flatbed truck with a large LCD sign driving around advertising different specials.
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How on earth can they ban sign holders? This has been tried before and the First amendment allows it. Only thing it can’t have on it is hate speech or something that distracts drivers like a mirror or strobe light or something.
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How on earth can they ban sign holders? This has been tried before and the First amendment allows it. Only thing it can’t have on it is hate speech or something that distracts drivers like a mirror or strobe light or something.
Actually, you are not entirely correct. The city is entitled to restrict signs by size, construction, or location; things like that. They may not forbid based on message or intent like campaign ‘no campaign signs’, or ‘no restaurant signs’. They can forbid temporary advertising signs or signs not attached to a building or other construction or design types. No First Amendment right to place little aluminum H-stand signs in the city right-of-way. We traversed that road in our community as we corrected issues in our sign ordinances.

As always, I am a pizza guy, and you should consult an attorney for certified legal advice.
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Our community does not allow temporary signs either stuck in the ground or “A” frame or sandwich board style signs at all. Not on the right of way, not even on your own property. The sole exception to this is real estate for sale or lease with a maximum size of 12 square feet (counting both sides if there is a message on both sides) which must be 15 feet back from any public road.

All in all, I like it this way. All those signs I see when I travel around are just so much clutter.
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In our town, when an event, concert etc is advertised without consent the council slap “Cancelled” stickers all over the posters and signs that have been put up.

Wouldn’t it be nice to slap “Cancelled” or “Closed” stickers these signs :lol:
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If the signs are “abandoned” on the side of the road you can do whatever you want to them.
Use caution with that tactic as in several to many states, “abandonded” is a legal term and requires court order for action. It won’t protect you from public perception or lawsuit without procedures.
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