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Pizza Merchandiser


New member

First post to the Tank. Thanks for a ton of great info and an awesome resource for us newbies! Here is a little back story.

I have owned a successful bar in the mountains of CO for the last 9 years. An Italian rest. was in the space before I moved in. I purchased the walk-ins and the hood from the owner. Since I did not transfer the license I was not grandfathered into anything and the kitchen required a complete remodel. I sat on the kitchen space and am now in the process of a remodeling it into a working pizzeria. Previously we have only had and auto fryer behind the bar and served about 8 items cooked by the bar staff…

I will have around 50 seats and plan opening for lunch in the summer and apres in the winter. Since we are also a late night staple I plan on doing lots of slices as we close on busy nights. The goal is to close the kitchen at some point and serve slices out of a merchandiser after 12am. Since our oven is back in the kitchen, reheating upon order really is not an option as I want the bar staff to be able to grab a slice on the fly.

Does anyone use a merchandiser in their daily operations?
Humidified or not?
How long can the merchandiser hold a slice and does it taste “fresh out of the oven?”

The plan is to purchase a merchandiser that holds 18" cut into 5’s and always have cheese, pepperoni and a veggie slice available.

One additional question. In your vast expertise can I survive with 1 BP y600 and not have 2 decks? I understand that during lunch/dinner rush it can make pizza cook times longer due to recovery times, but I can’t find any info on pizzerias that operate with one deck so I ask as I am purchasing very soon!

Thank you
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