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Pizza prep table vs sandwich prep table?


New member
Construction is well under way so it’s time to start buying equipment! I’ve been looking at refrigerated prep tables all weekend and I have an odd question. I’ve noticed the pizza ones usually have a 19" wide cutting board, I’m 5’5" and wondering if I will even be able to reach to the bottom of the pans? Or even to the ones in the back? My biggest pizza size will be 14". Should I be looking at sandwich prep tables instead? Am I over thinking?
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Pizza prep tables are held to a higher standard of cooling the condiments than salad sandwich tables.

35 -39 degrees The best Pizza tables have the condiment section wrapped with refrigeration coils.

I suggest you consult your health department as to if they will allow a salad sandwich table as a pizza prep

George Mills
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I would suggest same thing as George, also if your afraid you can not reach into the bins because of your height, you could use shallower bins, or remove the wheels under the makeline and install smaller pegs to lower the whole line down.
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I have 2 girls who are less than 5’ tall. Some how they make it work. They make little jumping leaps to get to the hard to reach items.
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My biggest pizza size will be 14"
That may be the case today… but you may also change your mind about that in the future. I would not create a situation where that was a problem if you made that change some time in the future.
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The Health department should allow it as long as you put the little legs on that i suggested. You can not have a piece of equipment directly on the ground.

Also sometimes you can find smaller wheels to put on. I know my main make like has 6" wheels on it, and that is really overkill. The standard 2" wheels would have been plenty.
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Check with your health department. Many will allow a unit to be placed flat on the floor if the base is sealed with silicone all the way around.

George Mills
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Im 5’4" and have no problem reaching the bottom of the pans plus a pizza prep table gives you more refrigeration space for almost the same footprint than the sandwich table does.
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