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Pizza Prep Unit question


New member
The thermostat controls on my Pizza Prep Table got messed with so I now I need to readjust them, but I’m not 100% confident in what the cut in and cut off settings need to be. It is an 8 foot long Randell unit. The compressor has a Ranco thermostat. What do you guys have your unit’s cut in and cut out set at? Thanks!
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I do not have the expertise to answer this, as my coolers have turn knob thermostatic controls. You should be able to call Randell customer service or parts and service and get that information from them. It would be worth a try if no one here has a good answer for you sometime soon.
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You should set your cut-in so that everything in your table maintains 42 degrees. Your cut-out should be set as far away as you can get from 42 without freezing your ingredients. The further you get from 42 the more efficient your table will run. You want to avoid excessive compressor starts which is where a lot of your electricity is used.
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Thanks for the help. It’s still giving me problems though, so I’m going to have someone come look at it.
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