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Pizza Ranch

Being named in a foodborne illness outbreak scares the crap out of me!
Every single one of my people that handles foods is serv-safe certified, and they have a valid food-managers license issued by the state, but there are things that are out of our control, what if something from one of our suppliers is tainted? Anyone remember the Spinach and tomato illness outbreaks?
Your business name hits the news, you are pretty much done even if the offending bacteria originated way back in your supply line.
And when the newspaper does clarify that the restaurant has been determined to not be at fault, that will not be front page, that’ll be buried way in the back.
Lets look at Norovirus transmitted by a customer, that is some virulent nasty stuff that can be picked up from a cheese shaker, and it stays alive for several days in inanimate object.

Yet customers still get offended when I decline to shake their hand and instead offer a fist bump or elbow knock.
Think of it this way, almost every hand you have ever shaken has had a penis in it!
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