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Pizza Rings


New member
Does anyone know where I can get those aluminum rings that go over the pizza when it is being prepped, so that there is a clean, clear border between the cheese and the dough? Are pizza rings even what they are called or do they go by another name? :roll:
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I have used those in the past and recommend you skip them:
  1. Slows down the line.
  2. Rings get messy and have to be wiped or else the pizzas can get messy anyway.
  3. Employees should be able to sauce and cheese properly anyway.
  4. Can make the pizza seem too “perfect” and have no personality
  5. Cheese needs to overlap sauce a tad to adhere to crust.
That said, Little Caesars uses a deep dish pan so that there is less waste and the size and shape of the crust is correct. I suspect they might get them from Lloyd’s Pans because they sell one named the “LC pan”.
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Thanks Charles,you have quite a few good points there, although for the meantime I am not lookin gto implement them,just looking to experiment with them, see what kind of finished product they can help produce.
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I know what you are referring to. I used to have a couple of them myself for demonstration purposes, but haven’t used them for a good many years. I checked my references and couldn’t find any either. I’m sure you could get some made up for you by Lloyd Pans [email protected].
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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When I worked at Pizza Hut, we used Pizza Rings.

Honestly, unless you’re training and employee on saucing/topping methods, it is my honest opinion that it did GREATLY slow down the time.

We only used them on pan pizzas…because they wanted a perfectly clear, defined crust…but man, was it a problem.

Let’s see:

Get the pan, get the ring…oops…dropped it…back to the sink. Only have one or 2 typically…so you’re down to 1 'til you can get back there to wash the other.

Oops…forgot the ring on the pizza when you put it in the oven. HUGE fumes, horrid mess…don’t want to go there. haha

Plus, using the ring, you always get sauce and cheese on them, and during a rush, you just can’t go back and rinse it off every time, so you sauce around that area to avoid hitting it again, and you get an uneven sauce line.

Those are just some of the things I remember.

Great training tool…using it in a work environment…could DEFINITELY be better!
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Thank you for the info guys,I’ll go check out th esites that were mentioned here. Just want to try them out to see if I can make that “Picture Perfect Pizza”,lol. I know that during a rush period,it would be very inconvinient to use them,it would probably just end up slowing things down, but I would think that if a place makes their pizzas with all the ingredients under the cheese it would take about the same time as individually placing the pepperoni and such.
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Personally, I feel a “Picture Perfect” pizza looks too manufactured. I like a little character to look hand-made. Not messy or sloppy, mind you. But I don’t want it to look like a mass produced frozen pizza.

However, if you want a perfectly round crust, you can always used use a cutter pan. You sheet the dough, lay in the pan, make sure it is formed around the rim, then use a rolling pin over the pan edge to remove the excess. Makes saucing a breeze since you have a clearly defined endge between the bottom and side of the crust. Godfather’s Pizza and Pizza Inn used to do it that way. I actually like this kind of crust occasionally. We have a long-time shop here named Parton’s Pizza that serves this 70’s era “Pizza Parlor” dive-with-a-juke-box type of thin crunchy crust.

Here’s the pan I am talking about:
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