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Pizza shop technology. How's yours?


New member
I was reading PCWorld today and came across this article: New Year’s Tech Resolutions for Small Businesses. I know that this isn’t a priority for most pizza shops, but it shouldn’t be ignored either.

Things like online ordering, pizza tracking apps, and tablet PC menus are only going to get more popular in 2011. Social networking (facebook/twitter,etc…) is also mainstream.

Any tech resolutions for the upcoming year?
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This seems to be a popular subject. My own blog is sadly un-updated for waaay too long. Hmmm, a possible NY resolution.

This post is a quote from’s weekly email. Well worth signing up for if you haven’t already:
From - January 04, 2011
Don’t Begin the New Year with An Out-of-Date Website
We all know that first impressions are powerful, so make sure
your website doesn’t send the wrong signals by being anything but
fresh and current.

That means that it’s free of past promotions, outdated specials
and your copyright date is now 2011.

When your website appears anything but current and up to date,
potential guests may get the sense that you’re not on the ball,
inattentive to details or careless about how you manage not just
your website, but your entire business.
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