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pizza stone mess


New member
hey whats up everyone, what do you guys do when a pizza sticks to the peel and sauce and cheese and stuff get all over the stone. it happened to me today and it make a HUGE mess. im just gonna try and burn off the sauce and scrape/brush it clean. what would you do if you were in the middle of a rush? thanks alot!!!
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Yep. Heat it up to 500 degrees or so and then just brush off the ashes.

In the future, try corn grits on the peel. Much more forgiving than flour.
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Yep. Heat it up to 500 degrees or so and then just brush off the ashes.

In the future, try corn grits on the peel. Much more forgiving than flour.
Yeah, we bake at just over 600f and when a stickman thinks the pie is mobile on the peel and its not, and it sticks horribly and shits all over the stone, we usually let it bake for a few seconds (so we can get the majority of the pie back out with a metal peel) and then just let the mess burn and char up and then scrape it and brush it out. Sucks but they’re just battle wounds on the oven LOL. We only dust and launch with flour also… on a humid day or when the peels arent clean, the flour is unforgiving. It just sucks right up into the dough or turns to glue on the peel LOL. Cornmeal, to me, gives a texture and taste that is just not what I want in my pizza so we’ve avoided it. We may try to use some fine semolina one day but for now, the flour isnt bad. Problem is, too much dry flour and it burns and gives a bad taste to the crust.
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Yep. Raw flour tastes like ass. Even worse when it is blackened. There is nothing worse than taking a bite of pizza and having your tongue coated.

You will never get that with corn grits. I actually really like the flavor it imparts to the crust. It does build up in decks noticeably faster than flour does though.
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I have been using corn flour or corn “masa” for a while now. I like that it has almost the consistency of wheat flour, but it works like corn meal. It will not be as gritty and does not burn, or stay on the pizza like flour. Remember it is much finer than corn meal, but still works like it. It is relatively cheap too and I get it from Sysco. Try it once, and you will never use flour again.
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