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Pizza Stone Question


New member
Hi Everyone!
Well first off I wanna say I am a returning member, after losing my first restaurant to three heart attacks (Not Clogged, electrical) I am at it again (Can’t help it). I am leasing a business that a millionaire market speculator bought and doesn’t want to run. This location is off the hook! It is an ice cream shop originally and he added the pizza shop, remodeled a brand new dining room, new bathrooms and a new septic system. My former cook from my first restaurant used to manage it and they did huge numbers during the summer. Anyway here is my question.
The pizza oven has “stones” instead on two large stones in it. At first glance I thought they were a bit lopsided, but after inspecting it again today they are a bit more aligned than I thought. Will this effect the way the pizza cooks? Will it stick or is this normal. I used to use a MM conveyor, and at my current job we have stones. I have seen these before but I have never cooked on them. Can I have them calibrated or leveled, or is it no big deal? Thanks!!
Willi (Formerly from Hannah Bananas!)
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Hi Willi:

Any oven, deck or conveyor should have a level baking servface so that the toppings do not slide even slightly to one side.

George Mills
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Woops, forgot I posted about this. I just need to know if I can replace the small stones with bigger ones.
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Woops, forgot I posted about this. I just need to know if I can replace the small stones with bigger ones.
:mrgreen: :D
That started the morning off with a smile, large stones are a valuable asset in this business!

Welcome back Willi!!
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