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Pizza truck or trailors?


New member
Does anyone have either a truck or trailor that they use to cater or do shows with, and did you outfit it yourself or did you use a company?
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After building a WFO ( yhats it in the background stone finish) in my back yard 6 years ago and becoming obsessed by pizza, I have just set up a trailer with a wood fired oven the hearth is 40" and I am doing catering with it. Loving it. The Trucks are nice but quite pricey see I would love to do that but its big $bucks . You then need ,storage, a commercial kitchen, location, all major considerations for this kind of investment. My smaller trailer allows me to get in Back yard, pool decks, and smaller events with minimum capital investment. I am not giving up my day job, and I am not planning on doing major festivals. Just doing private “fixed price” catering, and I am maintaining a true Neapolitan pizza (VPN Rules) experience. Its really fun and going great. I would like to keep it that way a real Passion for me. I have bookings 7/2,7/16,7/17,7/24, 7/28 and 8/3 Just by word of Mounth ! literally 🙂 ! I have done no advertising and dont even have a web site yet. I need recommendations for that.
Thanks John
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That looks awesome but I have one concern/question for you. How hot does the top of the dome get? The reason I ask is what happens if it starts to rain while the oven is at temp? I just have this horrible image of it exploding or cracking in half. Have you thought of this or had the rain hit it? Almost needs a rain shield framed above it too protect from the water. I am sure you planned around this…just curious about how you protect from it. Again…looks great!
I cook at 900 degress for 3 + hours and you can sit on the dome (or put your hand right on) the dome it just warm to the touch . By the entrace is warmest but anywhere else is no hotter than no fire and sitting in the sun Its amazing The weather does not affect these ovens when built right. If you are interested in an oven like this I can get you the info.
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I’ve been researching my options for something like this for a couple of month and I’m interested in learning more about your operation and oven. Would you rather discuss my questions in a PM?

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John has it right heres my trailer build I to market myself for private functions (basically your a private chef) and you don’t have to mess with the health dept. and pay fees and listen to people that know nothing of what they speak, but… you better have your ducks in a row when it comes to health, hygiene and proper food storage,etc. its fun but its not a game, I’m booked every weekend just from word of mouth and having my cards at the functions, oh and did I mention it helps if you make damn good pizza.
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I am not understanding how you avoid the health department and/or fees with this type of operation…
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four o pizza:
you don’t have to mess with the health dept. and pay fees and listen to people that know nothing of what they speak
Yes! Down with that government agency in charge of enforcing City and health ordinances to ensure health and safety of the general public!
four o pizza:
you better have your ducks in a row when it comes to health, hygiene and proper food storage,etc. its fun but its not a game
If only there was some group or organization that could offer some guidelines and perhaps review your procedures to ensure that something isn’t being done incorrectly and endangering your customers…

Nope. I’m drawing a blank here.
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I sell at weekend events throughout the summer and find that 90% of health inspectors are very reasonable and know what they are talking about. I welcome them into my booth. When another vendor says that the health inspector don’t know what they are talking about it’s more likely the vendor is the one that is confused.

I suspect that the distinction between private chef and caterer hinges upon where the food is prepared. If you are making all your dough in the customers kitchen and using supplies that are provided by the customer, then you May be a private chef. But if your bringing your own food and dough prepared in your kitchen, then you are a caterer.

Unless you have quality restaurant experience, consider taking a Safe Serve food safety class or the equivalent. Remember, just because you cook something, that will not guarantee it is safe to eat.
Many of my vendor friends do not understand this. For instance, when Staphylococcus bacteria get into warm food and multiply, they produce a toxin or poison that causes illness. The toxin is not detectable by taste or smell. While the bacteria itself can be killed by temperatures of 120 F, its toxin is heat resistant; therefore, it is important to keep the staph organism from growing. Keep food clean to prevent its contamination, keep it either hot (above 140 F) or cold (below 40 F) during serving time, and as quickly as possible refrigerate or freeze leftovers and foods to be served later.
Most people harbor Staph on their skin, it just needs the right temperature and cheese is the ideal medium. Symptoms can occur in as little as an hour. In other words, fluids can start to flow before you have hooked up the trailer to leave.
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I have always heard of the above 140 and below 40 requirement.

My question is, how do pizzerias who sell slices comply with this rule? As far as I know most places selling pizza by the slice initially cook the whole pizza, then it sits out at room temp until someone orders a slice, then they put it back in the oven. The second baking gets temp back above 140, but how are they preventing Staphylococcus as you mention below?

Is using a heat lamp between 1st and 2nd baking a way to prevent Staphylococcus?
Should I avoid any place that doesn’t use a heat lamp for slices between 1st and 2nd baking?

This question is of course for anyone in the slice industry as well. Thanks.
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first of all temp food facilities are for special events only, I use a food comissary to prep and store then transport from there, I have worked in the food industry for years, I have a business license (s) for the cities I deal with, and I have a safe serve food management certificate, oh and I also pay taxes. What else am I doing wrong? Most food facilities I see out there make me want to vomit and they all have A in there windows.
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Hey four o pizza. Based on your background, it sounds like you know how to handle food properly. Wasn’t trying to slam, but was surprised that you made the reference to “not having to deal with people who don’t know what they are talking about” as most health inspectors I deal with are reasonable people with good suggestions. I guess that reference is what made me suspicious.
If you want to fire me up, lets talk permit fees. $386 for a 2 day permit, 10 minute inspection in Santa Clara county…ARG. I’m starting to get squeezed out of smaller shows due to the absurd permit costs.

By the way, excellent tile job on the oven.

Based upon your picture, you live on the coast of California. Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara?
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In the case of pizza slices, you can use time in lieu of temperature. Here is a quote from a health department regarding the technique:
Procedures: (They are thawed or prepared as needed under refrigeration, less than 40°F. Pizzas are cooked to 165°F for 15 seconds, and held for no more than 2 hours. During this two-hour time period, slices are reheated to 145°F for 15 seconds and served per customer order.

The reasoning is that the salty and acidic milieu of cooked pizza does not promote rapid bacterial growth. When the pizza is cooked to 165, all bacteria are killed and it will take 2 hours or more for a problematic situation to develop. Reheating the slice to 145 kills any bacteria that have developed. Also, toxin mediated illnesses such as Staf will not have sufficient time under the salty and acidic condition to cause a problem.
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I may have been a little hasty in saying they know not what the speak, its just that some weren’t familiar with wood fired pizza ovens, and believe me boulder creek I feel for you those event fees are ridiculous and thats why I went private parties, everybody is happy and friendly I don’t have to handle money and I cater to only up to 25 people so Its a one man gig, events are crowded cramped and dirty, also having a fixed price I get more money per pizza and I’m in and out in about 3 - 4 hours. My location is so. cal, thanks for the compliment on the oven I wanted to build something that stood out a little, hard work, but I love it and I tow it and supplies around in my 4cyl tacoma 4x4.
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