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Plastic dough pans


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Anyone using them? Do you think they are better than the metal? If so where do you get them? For those of u that suggest the plastic trays I havr no interest in them.
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Im looking for the 8"round plastic stacking pans. Im not crazy about the boxes, I have a couple of them but they dont work as well for me.

There is an add in the back of pmq for the plastic pans i am looking for but i cant seem to get ahold of anyone there. Im happy usong the metal pans just wondering if the plastic is any better.
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The individual pans are fine if you only have a reach-in cooler to work from, and require only a limited number of dough balls per day. The problem is that with 24 dough pieces you will have 24 pans and lids to contend with, where as with the larger dough boxes you would have only 6 or less, plus they clean up a lot easier, just scrape them out with the hard plastic scraper, and you’re good to have another go with them. What kinds of problems were you having with the plastic dough boxes that you have?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Well one of the main problems is the boxes wont fit in the pizza prep unit all that well. Its an older unit and it does not have the stock condensing unit in it. Given the placement of the condensing unit i could only fit one tray in the unit. The walk in cooler is too far away to have the pizza people running back to all the time.

The round pans work well for us. We stack them 8 high with 1 lid on each stack.
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The reason why I asked you this question is because plastic bagging the dough is even more effective than individually boxing it. Just lightly coat the entire dough ball in oil, drop into a light weight plastic bread bag (available from most distributors), they are reusable once or twice, twist the open end of the bag to close, and tuck the pony tail under the bag to secure it closed. Place onto standard sheet pans in a rack or shelves for refrigerated storage. Just turn out of the bag when ready to use.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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We use plastic bags when doing off-site vending. We get plastic food grade portion bags 4x2x12 .65 mil (quart size) that will hold a 23oz ball quite nicely. Can use probably twice if needs be. 4x2x8 is sufficient for a 9 or 13oz ball, though tighter on the 13oz. Really, they life cycle improves for us as well when we use the bags. Not the most economical choice over the boxes, but it will get the job done nicely.
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Plastic bags would be foolish for everyday use I think. They would cost way too much money.

Good idea for what your doing with them though Nick.
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I have in the past purchased bread bags from the local bread store. I would get 100 to a pack and it was the size of a loaf of bread. Perfect for this application and very cheap.
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I have been emptying and folding up all the bags from my pita and hoagie rolls. While not expressly sanitary for foodservice re-use . . . they are paid for and exceptionally handy for all sort of applications. I have probably a hundred or so stacked up, and not keeping every one anymore.
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So question is , has anyone used the stackable plastic round dough pans ???
If so how do you like them and where can we get them. ??
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I have around 200 of them, got them on sale thinking I could replace my steel ones. Have to thoroughly clean them every day because dough gets stuck on the bottom creases and starts to ferment and stink, needless to say I went back to steel. I bought them from katom restaurant online but I dont think they even sell them anymore. If u want to go plastic get the dough boxes, if your set on pans get steel, they re more durable and easier to clean
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Well one of the main problems is the boxes wont fit in the pizza prep unit all that well. Its an older unit and it does not have the stock condensing unit in it. Given the placement of the condensing unit i could only fit one tray in the unit. The walk in cooler is too far away to have the pizza people running back to all the time.

The round pans work well for us. We stack them 8 high with 1 lid on each stack.
Have you ever tried just using plastic trays. And just take out however many trays you need for lunch or dinner, then just adjust if theyre growing up too much by putting them back
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So question is , has anyone used the stackable plastic round dough pans ???
If so how do you like them and where can we get them. ??
I’m dying for some. There’s an ad in the back of PMQ or pizza today saying they sell them but the don’t answer emails or phone calls. Let’s design awesome custom ones and split the cost on a run. I’m totally serious. I only need 250 but if we come up with an awesome design and material I’d buy as many as it takes to get production rolling. I also have more ideas for products that would make life easier for those of us who use these things…

The rectangle trays don’t work for me, and the metal ones crash and dent and make the stacks tip and crash and dent which makes the stacks tip and crash and dent and so on… Then we replace them 2-3 times a year. $ adds up fast, and now I have hundreds of them that are too dented to use sitting in my warehouse waiting to be turned into sculpture for the restaurant or something.

Also, we didn’t know what to call them so we call them “chubs” cause they’re chubby and because “round stacking dough container” doesn’t really roll off of the tongue when you’re buried in tickets.
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Have you ever tried just using plastic trays. And just take out however many trays you need for lunch or dinner, then just adjust if theyre growing up too much by putting them back
We can fit 207 dough balls in round individual containers in a fridge that we would only be able to fit about 100ish in in the usual trays.
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My issue with the metal tins is that they get so dirty. I literally have to pay my dishwashers overtime to stay late and scrub these things. There has to be a better way.
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Maybe line the pans with something? Or use plastic dough trays? I don’t have these kind of problems with plastic dough trays so I can’t help much, they almost clean themselves.
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My issue with the metal tins is that they get so dirty. I literally have to pay my dishwashers overtime to stay late and scrub these things. There has to be a better way.
What what are you doing with them? Ours just have a bit of pan spray on them. What are yours dirty with?
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