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Please vote for us in "best of" poll!!


New member
Hi everyone,

Please vote for Soda Creek Pizza in the “best of” poll at this link:

Last year, out of 15 pizza places we came in 2nd, missing first by 2% of the votes cast. (winner was the slice place that caters to the high school kids)

It is a little way into the poll before you get to best pizza. If you really like polls, you can also vote for us in “best wings” and “best grab & go lunch”…

And if you are a glutton for punishment, you could go all the way to “best men’s clothing store” and vote for our retail venture “zirkel trading” (poll #49)

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Please for for us!!


One of the best ideas I’ve heard for this on-line voting, came from a bar, they set up some old computers at the bar and left the voting page up and asked their customers to vote for them—yes they did win the contest. If you have a lot of walk-in traffic this might work for you.
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Re: Please for for us!!

One of the best ideas I’ve heard for this on-line voting, came from a bar, they set up some old computers at the bar and left the voting page up and asked their customers to vote for them—yes they did win the contest. If you have a lot of walk-in traffic this might work for you.
What? You mean actual customers and/or people that might actually know that a business is the “best” being the ones voting? Surely that doesn’t make any sense.

What these “best of” contests are about is who is the best at getting anyone to go to a website and vote for them.
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Re: Please for for us!!

My count was three placed to vote for Soda Creek Pizza.
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Re: Please for for us!!

I can not help seems like your review are not too positive on trip advisor and on Dex. Maybe you should review them and try to fix the problem areas. Sorry
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Re: Please vote for us!!

Thanks Big Daddy. (And welcome to the forum, glad I could be the topic of your 5th post) I have not been to TA for a while. Not many reviews there (24 of which 19 rate us 4 or 5 stars)… but quite a few more positive than negative!

I can tell you that we are widely regarded as the best in town. Yes, some people are locked into a “pizza should be cheap” mode and they are not our customers. (By the way, for some reason we are listed twice on TA. Here is a link to more reviews you evidently did not see: … orado.html )

On Dex/yelp we have six reviews. All positive except for one in 2009 from someone that thinks pizza is not worth $15: … pdt=pifree

For you to post as you did on this forum is helpful to me since it got me to go look at the TA posts and take some action there… On the other hand, between these sources we have 24 reviews that rate us 4-5 stars and 5 that rate us poorly (of which one, I know, is from a competitor). Not sure that justifies your response to my request.

As you are new to both the forum and to the pizza biz, you might spend some time poking around on topics like Trip Advisor. It is really a mixed bag as many seasoned operators here will tell you. Like anyone, I wish for only positive reviews. I sincerely hope the best for you as well in your new venture. May you never have a displeased customer! Or, at least, may you have 5X1 great reviews as we do. Did you ever decide whether to do square cut or not? BTW, where in Colorado are you?

Happy holidays.
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Steve I could not do it… I wanted squares instead of triangles on my pie!!! 😉

Soda and Zirkel done! 8)