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PMQ needs your input: functional beverages


New member
Do you sell functional/wellness beverages in your pizzeria? These are beverages that are advertised to make the body function better; they can assist in weight loss, boost immunity, cure hangovers and even increase mental focus. If you sell beverages like these in your business, I’d like to ask you a few questions about what you offer and your marketing strategies. Please email me with the functional beverages you sell at [email protected] by next Monday, 3/2, and I’ll send over some interview questions so you can be in the article. Thanks!
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I am not trying to be a jerk (it seems to come naturally), but PMQ seems to be sliding on the relevance of their material. Can you not do more about the business of ownership rather than this sort of article that has limited application?
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I am not trying to be a jerk (it seems to come naturally), but PMQ seems to be sliding on the relevance of their material. Can you not do more about the business of ownership rather than this sort of article that has limited application?
I’m with Charles on this one.
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Yes, I sell weight loss drinks with my french fry + bacon pizza 😛
“You Go”!!! I like my pizza shop to indulge in my fantasy, like my diet drink far more than compensates for my double cheese and double pepperoni pie!! And really, I don’t do Diet anyway!!

Funny stuff steve 😛
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we use to sell Redbull to… sucked.

we just starting selling Monster… only a couple have moved.

the best dietary drinks we have are Bloody Marys, extra tomato… and Pina Coldas… extra Pina.
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You want my input?


PMQ’s lack of relevant articles was one of the topics Monday night on Pizza Live.

Are you trying to annoy us with lame article about drinks, Chinese owned shops, organic beverages, hot beverages bottled water…

Think Marketing, Economy , Advertising, Technology, Employment Issues, Management Issues, Rising Minimum Wage…

How about articles featuring some of the members of the Think Tank (not drivers, owners & operators) Start with the ones that have contributed the most; Nick, Daddio, Paul, George… Even articles about former owners Scott Hack & J_rokk could be useful.

Thats just my input.
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Minimum wage issues seem to be a hot topic. Those are some of the fastest growing and longest threads here of late. The economy is putting great pressure on small businesses with decreasing revenues, and increasing minimum wages. Perhaps a legal review of the issues at hand?

If you wanna sell magazines, you gotta ask and answer the tough questions once in a while in my opinion.

Next minimum wage hike is on July 24th to $7.25 an hour. Will your readers be ready to avoid the legal pitfalls?
I’d also like to see an article that explains what actions a small business owner might do that exposes them to the FLSA minimum wage, such as a review of what constitutes ‘engaging in interstate commerce’.

By my read of the law, any employee that processes credit card transactions is entitled to minimum wage under the FLSA, but also, any business that handles products fro out of states also engages in interstate commerce.

I personally find it difficult to believe that ALL the ingredients in a pizza restaurant come from within that state alone.

How do these laws affect your industry? What can a business owner do to protect their exemption from the FLSA?

How about articles that will have the whole industry talking about what was in your magazine?

Energy drinks? Are you catering to advertisers? Write content that your subscribers DEPEND ON. That might increase revenue. Make your magazine a MUST HAVE resource for pizza shops across the country.

The economy is in the tank. MONEY is what is on business owners minds every day. Address the issues that keep them awake at night.

But hey, I’m just a pizza driver.
“Energy drinks? Are you catering to advertisers?”

My guess is that Gregster is right on the money with this statement.
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It is NOT a hot topic with any owner on here.
you leave youself w i d e open don’t you. So’ll I’ll save gregster the time.

‘So? paying your staff their legal entitlement its not a hot topic?’

and then I’ll go on and answer it as well (lets get a few exchanges on here’/

Yes, paying our staff the correct amount is important but as most here are aware of MW laws and take advice from our paid for and qualified professional advisers, its not a HOT topic.

But then again, I think it would be a better topic than functional beverages. I thought gregster said he had been asked to contribute? or was it that he ws just sent a subscription form?
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Complying with MW laws would be boring to most readers. However, an article on different compensation systems to improve performance would be of interest to me. Contrary to some perceptions, I don’t believe successful owners are trying to pay as little to their employees as possible. A good owner recognizes that their team is the engine of their business and fuel it appropriately.

Someone once told me that profits are not what a business strives to make. But rather, profitability is a constraint on the strategy of a business. It you are not profitable, you are out of business. You attempt to maximize and balance the benefits of the business to all stakeholders (customers, employees, owners, suppliers, community) within that constraint. It is a different way of looking at the business and I think, a longer term and healthier view.
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Wizzle Wassell:
I thought gregster said he had been asked to contribute? or was it that he ws just sent a subscription form?
Yes, I was invited to write an article on the subject. While I could just reiterate what I have learned from the DOL and other sites, the article would carry much more weight if it came from someone with professional experience in the industry.

Too bad PMQ can’t think of anyone to write such a piece. :roll:
Michael J. Rasmussen, CPA
Franchise Tax Group
30 Viewpoint Circle
Suite 101
Pomona, CA 91766
Mike is a practicing CPA and has worked with closely held franchises and small businesses for over 20 years. Mike formed the Franchise Tax Group which consists of a group of accounting and tax professionals sharing s career with Ernst & Young where he became a Tax Manager after eight years with the Firm.

Mike is a member of the National Restaurant Association, the California Restaurant Association and the California Society of CPA’s.

RASMUSSEN TAX GROUP is a team of industry specialists led by Michael J Rasmussen, CPA empowering restaurant owners to have more personal time, grow their business and be more profitable through innovative technology and personalized service that simplifies tax planning, accounting and business solutions. For more information visit
Current and Previous Articles:
Accounting for Your Money: Green Government - PMQ, January 2009
Accounting for Your Money: Revenue Under Scrutiny - PMQ, November/December 2008
Accounting for Your Money: Taking Control - PMQ, September 2008
Accounting for Your Money: Is Franchising in Your Future? - PMQ, August 2008
Accounting for Your Money: Fight Gastronomical Pricing - PMQ, June/July 2008
Accounting for Your Money: Avoiding Identity Theft - PMQ, May 2008
Accounting for Your Money: Incorporating a Business - PMQ, March 2008
Accounting for Your Money: Donation Deductions - PMQ, January/February 2008
Accounting for Your Money: Am I Being Audited? - PMQ, November-December 2007
Accounting for Your Money: Can I Trade My Restaurant for Another? - PMQ, October 2007
Accounting for Your Money: Income Statements: Your Monthly Report Card - PMQ, August 2007
From Cash Register to Cash Rich - PMQ, May 2007
Would Someone Really Steal From ME? - PMQ, March 2007
Why Should I Keep the Books? The IRS Will Do It For Me… - PMQ, Jan-Feb 2007
Thinking About Franchising? - PMQ, Sep 2006
What is a Business Plan? - PMQ, June-July 2006
Dude, Where’s My Cash? - PMQ, March 2006
Tax Laws 2006: Favorable & Unfavorable - PMQ, Jan-Feb 2006
Running Your Business In Your Pajamas With Technology - PMQ, September-October 2005
Measuring and Tracking Marketing Promotions - PMQ, July-August 2005

Perhaps saying that paying drivers the IRS rate of 55 cents a mile is a requirement that no one wants to admit to.

Why is this subject avoided like the plague?
Perhaps saying that paying drivers the IRS rate of 55 cents a mile is a requirement that no one wants to admit to.

Why is this subject avoided like the plague?
How did a thread about beverages turn into another one of your b**** fests?
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indie pizza:
How did a thread about beverages turn into another one of your b**** fests?
Because I replied to this:
You want my input?


PMQ’s lack of relevant articles was one of the topics Monday night on Pizza Live.

Are you trying to annoy us with lame article about drinks, Chinese owned shops, organic beverages, hot beverages bottled water…

Think Marketing, Economy , Advertising, Technology, Employment Issues, Management Issues, Rising Minimum Wage…

How about articles featuring some of the members of the Think Tank (not drivers, owners & operators) Start with the ones that have contributed the most; Nick, Daddio, Paul, George… Even articles about former owners Scott Hack & J_rokk could be useful.

Thats just my input.
I was not the only one who thought energy drinks were not the best choice for a story idea.

I am sorry that you find minimum wage issues so unpleasant. Considering the present state of the economy, I think it is an important issue. Many business owners are facing very tough choices when in comes to running their business. Having an accurate and reliable source of information about labor issues may rank higher on the list than which new fad of high priced energy drink they might choose to sell.

What will have a bigger impact on your business this year: Adding a new line of energy drinks to your offerings, or the federally mandated increase in minimum wage to $7.25 coming on July 24th?

If energy drinks make a bigger impact to your business than rising labor costs in a failing economy, then you can count your blessings, and ignore my posts.

Maybe what is more appropriate is a whole series of articles about how to squeeze every last dime out of your revenues without squeezing your employees? I have seen many great post here about how to save on cheese purchases, gas for your ovens, the soda vendors little tricks that increase their profits at YOUR expense, how to negotiate a lower lease payment, how to purchase equipment for less while still getting quality gear, and tons of other great things you all share here. It’s a shame that that the very same information can’t be turned into a series of articles about how to save money while still maintaining a quality product, excellent customer service, and happy and loyal employees. Do you want to subscribe to a magazine that puts its advertiser’s interests over yours? Isn’t that exactly what the Coke and Pepsi vendors are doing? Putting their profits before YOUR business, from within your business? :o

The magazine is asking you what you want. Tell them.

“That’s just my input.”
I find it strange that with over 15 posts to this thread not one of them is from any of the staff at PMQ. I would think Tracy would be receiving email notices of the posts in a thread she created. Do staff and management of PMQ even look in on the Think Tank to see what is taking place here? My guess is that they don’t.

Have any of you sent an email to Tracy to get her list of question? My opinion is she posted here and is expecting to get email rather than check in on the thread she created. Tracy if this is not the case, please make a post to give us some insight as to what caused this burning need to know about functional drinks.

I have to agree with most of the posters here that the topic in question seems to be one that is driven by advertisers rather than readers.
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She has a total of 5 posts. ALL in which are thread starters. Beer, Wine, Condiments (go figure), hot beverages (go figure), and wellness drinks… hmmm… notice a trend here?
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