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PMQ Pizza Magazine 15th Anniversary Issue


PMQ Editor at Large
Hi All!

PMQ’s upcoming January/February 2012 issue will mark 15 years for PMQ Pizza Magazine, and to celebrate, we’re going to be including some special stories in the issue. One of which will be a look back at PMQ through the eyes of you, our PMQ readers.

We’re looking for stories about how PMQ affected you or your store throughout the last 15 years. Was it a certain article that helped turn sales around, a meeting with a peer at a trade show, or a shared recipe that was a hit on your menu? We want to know about it!

Please send your story to [email protected] along with your full name, pizzeria name, city/state and website along with a high-resolution photo of yourself (if available) before November 18th.

We look forward to another 15 years!
Liz Barrett, editor-in-chief
PMQ Pizza Magazine
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