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PMQ staff, TT admin, intl contact


Staff member
I work for PMQ and I’m “a broad” who likes to make puns from foreign countries. Haha, get it?

I just moved to the Netherlands and I have been working in the pizza industry for basically my whole life. My parents started PMQ magazine when I was about 10 years old out of our living room in Mississippi and have kept me involved throughout the years on all their projects.

They first took me to Italy when I was 15 for the World pizza championships and from that moment on I knew I wanted to live in Europe. I didn’t have the Netherlands in mind exactly, but I certainly am happy here with my new husband of 1 year. He’s a Dutch scientist working for the royal meteorological institute.

I am your main contact for technical details on the Think Tank. I work together with @Claudio to solve problems/add new features. I can also help relay ideas to the PMQ staff. See you around the tank!
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