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PMQ Upgrades...


New member
I will be creating a newer version of the Think Tank 2 with the Think Tank Forum integrated into it so there will be only one login for both systems. I will carefully backup and ensure that absolutely no posts or forum member accounts will be lost during the integration.

I have deemed it necessary to merge the two systems together and the only repercussions I foresee are that if you have an account on the Think Tank 2(Pizza TV, Recipe Bank) that is named the same as an account that is on the Think Tank Forums your TT2 account will be renamed from ‘accountname’ to ‘accountname_1’. There isn’t any other way to get around this and I really am trying to make our website easier to navigate. If you happen to have a TT2 account that is affected in this manner and you are unhappy with the new account name simply contact me and we can resolve the issue.

If you have any questions or comments please let me know.

I am going to begin this integration today and will hopefully have it completed by this Friday. Please bear with me.

Thanks to all of you that make this such a great online community. We at PMQ are striving to make an online Pizza Industry “Experience” that can benefit all whom are interested in anything Pizza.

Mike Cockrell
PMQ Webmaster
662-234-5481 x139
[email protected]
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