PnL check, how's everyone holding up?


New member
What’s everyone running on overhead, cogs, and labor nowadays? I’m running a Delivery carry out no dine in operation

Is anyone charging the 3% processing cc fee or just building into prices? Currently building into pricing since I don’t want to gouge the customers, but toast just raised their cc fees again.

Also has anyone made the switch from branded boxes to generic? How did that go?
Was doing the math on the switch and I would be at around 700-800/month in savings. Does this compromise the customer experience or are the savings worth it?

What percent of sales are you guys spending on marketing? I’m at ~4%
Yes, I charge 3% as, that is what my C.C. processor charges me. I have been charging the customer for a couple years. It was difficult at first. Now most every one does it.
My daughter was going to use her AMEX for a new A/C unit. They told her the surcharge was going to be $1200.00. She wrote a check instead.