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Point of Success Gift Card issue


New member
I’ve tried to find something over on the POS roundtable forum without luck and will post there as well, but trying to get an answer yet tonight if possible.

We’ve got several denominations of gift cards set up in our system and have zero issues with selling and activating them, however for some reason I have a customer asking for a $60.00 card today. No problem, I simply get in, add a new product to account for the card…and make a button, Easy.

However, when actually “selling” the card then, it will not come up to the activation screen for some reason. I’ve triple+ checked that I have every little thing exactly the same as the other cards we’ve listed before…it is, yet the system will not bring it up to activate.

Any thoughts?

***OK…like where I wrote “triple-checked”, guess I should have “quadruple-checked”. I found MY stupid error, thank you all for your cards and letters! :oops:
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