Point of Success users, preferred OS?


Active member
I was wondering what OS is preferred from users using Point of Success. I have windows 10 right now but its always a pain in the butt to file share with it for some reason. I was thinking of dropping back down to Windows 7.
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I was wondering what OS is preferred from users using Point of Success. I have windows 10 right now but its always a pain in the butt to file share with it for some reason. I was thinking of dropping back down to Windows 7.
I’d advise against downgrading your OS back to Win 7, since it has a little less than a year left before its expiration date which is Jan 14, 2020.
After that date, credit card processing will require more updates and security certificates which windows 7 won’t be able to provide.
You can read more about win 7 end of life here:
As for windows 10, network discovery and file sharing, you can find many different guides on how to configure your network settings and services in order to work properly.
You can see in the following post many options or just do a quick google search by clicking here:
“Win10; Network Discovery & File Sharing”
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Thanks for the info, I have followed various google guides but I always still seem to have issues, for instance today my left computer was all the sudden not visible on the network. I guess I will keep tinkering.
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As a Point of Success dealer I will only install systems on Windows 10 mostly for the reasons that Steve L. listed above. Once windows 7 is no longer supported any systems still running it will no longer be PCI compliant.
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