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Pokemon Go

Ya know, I looked at it, and decided against it.

A fine-dining establishment 1 block up the street is a poke-stop, I wonder how that’s working out for them since 95% of their clientele are upwards of 65 years old
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we signed up to be a pokistop still havent gotten it yet ill let you know how it goes when i do
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One of my drivers was going to set it up for me then he told me all about this craze. What I also saw on TV news etc has turned me completely off it. All what will happen if you do actually achieve a Pokemon in your store is that heaps of people will come in and block access for everyone else without purchasing anything. There will be out of control noise and total disruption to your business.
Not worth the baggage that will go with it.
Thinking about putting this poster in my window 🙂

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Call me conservative, call me what you want, BUT this is a whole new experience waiting to be tried in a court of law. Since nobody wants to take responsibility for their own stupidity anymore (coffee in lap at McDonalds, mouth burned by hot cheese Pizza Hut, woman hits shoulder on door frame while door is being held open by someone who thought he was helping her, in every case you know who got sued, and you know who won, go figure! Point is, someone will be looking for the monster at your store, gets hit by car, you end up getting sued or at very least getting a lawyer to help defend you in court. I might want to discuss this with my insurance agent first, better to be safe than sorry.
Just my humble opinion.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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One of my stores is a gym, and that store also has a bar. We saw a small bump from it, people coming in drinking etc. We saw the same people 7 nights in a row playing. I don’t play it so I don’t understand it but I have the employees helping me etc. This also creates a problem though as you will have to keep your employees from playing. On friday we have a order where we have to make a bunch of pizzas look like pokeballs. It is what you make it
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