pop, coke, soda, whatever you call it


New member
We are opening up a new shop and I would like to get away from pepsi and coke. Does anyone have experience good or bad using either:
  1. an alternative BIB like Fox or Narvon
  2. a smaller/local soda company like Green River, WBC, Maine Root, Blue Sky, Rocky Mtn Soda, etc
Do you use BIB or strictly bottles?

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I sell cans and 2L bottles for carry out and delivery. I started with only Pepsi products purchased through their system. I soon realized two things: 1. I was paying more than retail sales prices and 2. Not every one likes Pepsi.

I got rid of the cooler supplied by Pepsi and bought my own. I started selling both Coke and Pepsi products purchased locally when retailers have their sales. I also tried a local company’s products. I ended up dropping the local because demand just wasn’t there.

Some months I sell more Coke and others I sell more Pepsi. The customers love that they have a choice.
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It probably wouldn’t keep me from ordering your pizza but you would likely lose my soda add on if you don’t carry Coke or Pepsi.
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