popcorn/cotton candy....

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Sitting here snacking on some Cotton Candy my daughter picked up at a local fair this holiday weekend…got me to thinking about sending out a free (small) bag of cotton candy with every order - or maybe popcorn.

Cotton Candy looks pretty cheap to produce once you have the machine (as is popcorn) - looks like it would cost maybe 10 cents including the bag. Anyone do this or ever tried this? For sure kids would love it, and I think most adults would too. Comments?
I think it could work out great! I am going to have cotton candy for sale in my family eatertainment facility when I open in March, and I will also have it behind my redemption counter as well. It is so cheap to make and kids love it, and since kids wear the pants in the family so much now days it could really drive their business your way. Worst case it can’t hurt anything. I wish you good luck with it!
Take care,