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Population vs Number of Piizza shops


New member
Is there a rule of thumb as to how many pizza shops there should be per a given amount of population. We currently have approx. 14 pizza shops within a 3 mile radius of our shop.
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Read PMQ’s Pizza report for some interesting facts…but approx. 3 stores per 10K population is about average, if I recall correctly…
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We have 7 shops in our town with a population of 20,000. Add in Wal-Mart selling dirt cheap pizzas and the grocery stores always pimping their frozen pizzas. It’s a battle for every pizza dollar.
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A number of years ago we were in Columbus, Ohio for a seminar, and at that time Columbus had a population of roughly 500,000 people, and it showed 450+ pizza shops in the phone book, and Columbus is known as a pizza eatin’ city.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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