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Portioning cheese


New member
Can anyone tell me what the recommended weight for shredded cheese used on a 12" and 16" ny style pie is most appropriate? Also curious about how fresh mozzarella is portioned and controlled as well as weight for a 12" and 16" margherita I’m also curious what size the cheese is shredded using a pelican head. Any help would be most grateful. Thanks!

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As for portion control on the cheese you have three options;
  1. Free toss. Put up a picture at the build station showing what the correct cheese portion should look like and let your people do their thing. As you might guess, this is not a very accurate method of portion control for cheese, but a lot of operators still use it.
  2. Volumetric portion cups. Some cheese manufacturers will provide portion control cups that can help you to actually control the cheese portion on a pizza.
  3. Scaling the cheese portion by weight. Place a platform scale at your build station, place the dough skin on the platform and zero out (tare) then add cheese to the specified weight. This is by far the most accurate method and most will admit that the savings in cheese will more than pay for the scale in short order.
  4. Another take on the scale is to weigh the cheese portions into individual containers so all that is needed is to dump a container of cheese onto a skin and spread. This can get to be problematic with different weights for different pizza sizes, and what to do with all of those containers? They won’t fit into the trays in your prep table so you will need to be constantly reaching into the storage area under the table for your cheese.
    Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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As for portion control on the cheese you have three options;
4) Another take on the scale is to weigh the cheese portions into individual containers so all that is needed is to dump a container of cheese onto a skin and spread. This can get to be problematic with different weights for different pizza sizes, and what to do with all of those containers? They won’t fit into the trays in your prep table so you will need to be constantly reaching into the storage area under the table for your cheese.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Or another take on that is to use the containers (we use theseée-Food-Storage-Containers/dp/B0014D0SWW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1445346863&sr=8-3&keywords=glad+containers) that you weigh your pizza toppings in to weight the cheese in also. These containers are nice because they are CHEAP and last a LONG time. Have the specs on your chart for cheese as well as toppings. If a pizza gets 8.5oz cheese, weigh that out and the toppings as well. If you have 2 people working the make line this gets especially effective. The first docks and sauces the pizza while the 2nd gets the cheese and toppings weighed out. Gets the pizza done super fast.
Fresh mozz: Grande has a slicer that they can provide you, this works great to slice the logs into nice pieces. We then tear the cheese so it spreads and melts over the pizza. We just use the same weight for fresh mozz as our regular pizza cheese.

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I have this scale sitting on my make line:
We weigh out the cheese and pepperoni for each pizza. Idealy, we weigh sausage and bacon too if it’s not going to slow us down. It only takes a few seconds to do and I think it makes up for that time not having to reach back to the line over and over. If we’re caught up, one person can be weighing out cheese and pep while the other person sauces the skin. We don’t do the volume of a lot of you guys. But I still think overall, it doesn’t slow us down.
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