Pizza Time,
POS Pizza is good for a starter system. The best thing about it is that you get get up and running for a very small investment. Here are the answers to your questions:
Any touch panel monitor will work. I have seen a set up with 4 used ones that woeked fine.
The terminals are set up over a LAN. There is a bit of work to run the cables yourself, but think of a ‘big’ phone line running from each computer to a central hub (about $10 at any electronics shop).
You can use any printer at all. It will print on any printer you can attach to a computer, but you really should think about a reports printer designed for that type of use.
There is a free 60 day trial with the software, so give it a test run. The main differences will be that you will have to do all of your own menu entry. If you are anything like the ‘typical’ pizza shop, you can use the majority of the sample data though. Might have to change the price of a coke or add a few toppings, but using that as a base makes the process fairly painless, although do expect to spend 5-10 hours on personalizing the system to your needs.
They have telephone and email support. The online support is free, and I have never been charged for calling them for support request. Here is a link to another discussion about POSPizza:
and a few posts by another fan.