POS system research

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I recently spent about 2 months researching POS’s systems for a fairly high volume ($50 - $65k/month) pizza restaurant. The place had been there for 25 years and was still using notepads and a cash register for all orders.
I’m an IT guy by trade but was called in to part time manage and upgrade this place and I was frankly amazed when ANY order made it out of there on time and correct! My wife knew the owner and was more the full time manager who scheduled everything, did payroll, accounting (barely), food costs (again, barely), and supply ordering. How she kept some of that stuff strait I may never know, some serious fuzzy logic involved there…

The cash register keypad template was missing so they had penciled in a mock keypad that included one item button for everything… SuperCombo! When we rung up a pizza, it went under supercombo. Ribs, chicken, fish… supercombo, supercombo, supercombo! So we had no clue what was being sold and what didn’t, just a ‘feel’ from how fast we ran out of certain items. The owner had it setup this way and I wasn’t going to waste my time trying to program a cash register that didn’t even have the original keypad, so since I was there to improve the place I decided that a POS system would be the best way to go to start to get a handle on the operations there.

Figuring out how much hardware we need for the POS system was not very hard to do. There were 5 phone lines and it was not uncommon to have 3 or 4 people taking calls at the same time during the dinner rush. So I opted for 4 order entry stations that were completely touch screen and had to be fast and easy to use.
Even in the time I worked there (a couple evenings per week) I noticed many times that the same people would call in orders, yet we still had to write down their name, phone and address each and every time. People were generally tolerant of this, but it was something that could be easily improved upon to provide a much faster and more modern customer service. So a 4 line caller ID that integrated with the POS system was added to the list.
Running tickets to the prep stations and especially when it came time for delivery guys to get their orders together was usually a debacle. Half the time people couldn’t read or understand the tickets, sometimes they simply read them wrong but didn’t ask and a lot of time was wasted by cooks running around ‘confirming’ orders written on the tickets. Kitchen printers would remove 99% of the confusion here. We had 3 separate prep stations, pizza, fry and subs, so 3 kitchen printers plus a delivery printer was added to the list. As long as they can read English, they should have no troubles figuring out what to make for each order or what should be included on a delivery. At this point I was getting excited about the vision of how streamlined this operation was going to be with these problems fixed by the POS system.
I added a few more ‘must haves’ to the list like:
-Cash drawer and a nice receipt printer
-Software must have 30-60-90 marketing
-I want a rock solid database and the software must be written in a fast executing - high level language like C++. I really didn’t want some cobbled together software that was written in VB or .net that could be unusable after a Microsoft Windows update or patch. This is a serious system and should have some serious software.
-A server PC in the office is needed to maintain everything, run reports, etc. It will also run the database and have an integrated data backup.
-Battery backed power supplies for the server PC and the cash drawer station in case power goes out.
-Employee time clock.
-Delivery mapping with printable maps. (would likely pay for itself in a week with the drivers we had… I’m not sure how they found their way into work half the time!).
-Price had to be under $15k (yea, laugh it up POS guys!)

I then proceeded to lookup, read about and talk with EVERY restaurant POS vendor on the planet. That was a lot of fun! Most of those vendors are apparently used to talking with restaurant owners who’s idea of ‘Windows’ is that clear glass where people can look in and watch the guys flipping pizza dough up in the air! Not very computer savvy people I’m guessing. Then I come along, someone who has been building computers for years, writing software, designing network systems and many of these POS sales guys couldn’t answer 1/2 of the questions I was throwing at them.

I will continue on with my research findings in the next post here, unless someone would rather I not. I’m not going to plug or bash any of the different vendors out there, they all have very different strong and weak points and I have no affiliation with any of them aside from what I actually ended up purchasing for this place.

Hey, I finally got around to this!
Here is a list, in no particular order, of all the POS software and hardware companies/vendors that I looked at along with notes, some opinions and technical observations on each one.

FoodMan http://foodman123.com Software only
I talked with this guy on the phone for about an hour, very friendly and helpful.
Pros: Written in Cobol (an old 80’s programming language) so it’s very small, very fast, can run on minimal hardware (old Pentium’s are plenty fast enough) and seems to be rock solid as far as data storage. Downloadable demo. It can do just about everything you would want a POS system to do.
Cons: You have to teach it literally everything. It can work with touch screen but a keyboard is highly recommended. Not very pretty and you cannot change the looks. Not much reporting. Rather large learning curve.
Summery: This would be a good way to go for a small mom & pop restaurant-diner who has some old computers already. If the same person is always the one to use this it will become very intuitive and easy to use over time. This would be an easy $1000 POS system that would last for years in a non changing store or small restaurant environment.

ASI http://actionsystems.com Hardware/Software, can buy software separately
I didn’t spend much time on this one.
Pros: They did call me back.
Cons: Price was rather high. No demo (except live and in person).

Revention http://revention.com Hardware/Software install (sorta)
They guys are heavy into marketing, I talked with a sales guy several times, tried their “online” demo and they sent me a beautiful folder of info on their system.
Pros: Bigger, very active company (on the sales end anyway). Nice all-touch system that has everything a fast paced Pizza restaurant could need. Very modern. Easy to train. Willing to work with you on the price some.
Cons: They will do the installation but will NOT do any wiring (which is 90% of the installation if you’ve never had a POS system before). Running on .NET framework so it’s big and will require newer hardware. No usable demo, they let you log into their server and you watch the sales guy move his mouse around to show you how it works while talking to him on the phone.
Summery: You won’t really know how good the system is until it is installed at your place even though everything I was told and saw on their web site was really nice. The sales guy started to get a bit ‘hard-ball’ towards the end of my decision process, this turned me off quite a bit. I follow the philosophy “if you have a great product, it will sell itself” and these guys obviously put a lot of effort into ‘selling’ their product.

Firefly Technologies http://www.fireflypos.com Hardware/Software install
These guys are unique in that they don’t use a Windows based system. Their package runs on Linux, and is very similar to a web server.
Pros: Linux and MySQL database are very reliable and powerful systems. The Phoenix POS software looks to be tried and true for a Pizza place.
Cons: I am not familiar with Linux systems so I would not be able to provide much immediate support for the system.
Summery: I didn’t go far with these guys mainly because I want a system where I am more familiar with how it all works on the back end. They did tell me that they are planning to make a Windows based system in the future based on .NET, which I subtly advised against.

Intouch http://assal.com/ Software Only
All I have in my notes on this one is: Flash demo, nice layout! All touch, remote access. Emailed.
I guess they never emailed back and I forgot about them…?

Speedline http://speedlinesolutions.com/ Hardware/Software
Another one that is heavy into marketing, but their product looks to be of fairly good quality.
Pros: Written in Delphi, a professional language similar to C++, and uses a Nexus database which is pretty good stuff. All touch and has pleanty of Pizza functionality like Revention and PDQ does.
Cons: Will NOT run cable on installation, due to insurance reasons. Online (watch them play) demo.
Summery: Another one where you will find out what you get after it is installed, but I did like that there core software is more professionally written. Their support seems to be a bit questionable from talking to them and reading their site.

POS info http://www.pmq.com/mag/2003winter/possystem.shtml
If you haven’t read this already it is a great article about POS systems and helped me a lot to determine what I needed to look for.

Sales Control Systems http://www.salescontrolsystems.com Hardware/Software
These guys are local to me so I gave them a call. I was never able to arrange a time to meet the sales guy due to their strict hours and me working a full time job. He wouldn’t tell me much over the phone and their web site doesn’t explain much so I lost interest.

EATA POS (Eata2000) http://www.eata.com.au or http://www.eata2000.com Software only
Australia. Looks like it’s written in VB. $30 per month to ‘use’ the software.
No thanks. I will not be a slave to software.

Digital Dining (MenuSoft) http://www.menusoft.com Software only
I’m not sure what their software is written in. Not sure about their pricing, but it looks like they break it down into several different chunks that might be sold separately. No toll free number. No demo anything. It looks like they rely on 3rd party dealers to handle all these little details, and I think there are several eBay POS resellers who push this software.

DiamondTouch http://www.diamondtouchpos.com Hardware/Software Full Install
I actually got into a heated argument with the sales guy on this one. I told him my price range and he told me how much hardware I actually needed! “Two stations is all you need!” The guy must have been a mind reader or something, and not a very good one because I was thinking that I needed 4 stations both the first and the fifth time that I TOLD HIM I NEEDED 4 STATIONS!
I won’t share the rest of my notes on this one. I simply didn’t give these guys any more attention after dealing(arguing, eventually screaming) with that sales guy. http://www.rocklandtech.com = same as DiamondTouch

MicroWorks (Pizza POS) (Prism) http://microworks.com Software or ship Full Turn-key Systems
Super friendly and attentive sales guy who helped a lot and was good about following up.
Pros: Software only price was very competitive. Based in PA. Innosetup (which means they have people who know what they are doing on the install part at least). Full downloadable demo. Separate driver console. Lots of options and reports.
Cons: Didn’t like the pizza options (I forget why now). Requires keyboard for data entry. The demo software was very modular and seemed to run a bit slow for me. Software seemed more intuitive for a programmer and not so much for a person who takes pizza orders.
Summery: This was one of the first companies that I contacted and I didn’t fully know what exactly I would need as far as hardware, but they were extremely helpful and sent me several quotes. Aside from a couple things I didn’t like about their software (one of which they fixed per my suggestion!) all of their stuff was highly competitive and top of the line.

National Systems Corporation (TMS) http://www.nationalsystems.com Software - some Hardware
I spoke with a sales guy here and got some details on their system.
Pros: Based in Chicago. 30 years in the POS business. Does just about everything needed for a pizza place.
Cons: Written in VB. Mumps database (I had never heard of before - created in the late 1960s for use in the healthcare industry says Wikipedia). No VPN (i.e. log into the system from home via the internet). Yearly software “maintenance” fee. Training fee. Server fee.
Summery: Not a very strong backbone to the software and I don’t like all the software fees. I will not be a slave to software!

oneSystem http://www.onesystem.com Software/Hardware Turn-key
Unix based system (not Windows) designed for multiple stores.
I only had the one store so I didn’t look into these guys further.

NTN vision http://www.breakawaynet.com Not sure
I called and they gave me a local Texas number to call. Their web site was confusing with Javascript pop-ups on all their photos and a broken demo page so I gave up on them.

Food Tec Solutions http://www.foodtecsolutions.com Software only I think
They have so many sales y quotes, tips and advice on their web site that I never could figure out what exactly they are selling! Gave up.

POS Pizza http://www.pospizza.net Software only
Pros: Very affordable. Full downloadable demo.
Cons: I don’t remember and I didn’t make any notes.
Summery: I did download and run the demo but I don’t recall anything about it. Reading their new site, it sounds pretty full featured. Looks like it might be written in PowerBasic, I’m not sure what that is.

PDQ http://www.pdqpos.com Software/Hardware full install and training
Awesome stuff, great support, too expensive.

Vital Link POS http://www.vitallinkpos.com Software Only
After two busy signals I finally talked with a sales guy and saw a virtual demo.
Pros: Talked with a sales guy and saw a virtual demo.
Cons: Written in VB with a MS access database. Graphic intensive. Requires serious hardware.
Summery: Even the sales guy I talked to agreed that they are in need of some major improvements in their software. He said they are planning to port everything over to .NET in a few months. I voiced the fact that .NET is not necessarily an “improvement”.

Plug and Play POS (Aldelo) http://www.pluginpos.com Software/Hardware Bundles
The name alone turned me off for this one. Nothing this complex can possibly be “plug and play”.
More like plug and pray!
Pros: Downloadable demo (which I did not try). Sold on eBay. Fair price.
Cons: Sold on eBay. Closed source software with not much information available about it. 30 whole days of free phone/email support. All software sales are final and non refundable.
Summery: Simply too much of a gamble to purchase this product without more information about it’s inner workings, support costs and other possible hidden costs.

Tina POS http://www.tinapos.org/ Free - open source software
This is a very rare open source POS software project with 2 developers actively working on it.
It has had considerable improvements since I looked at it several months ago and may be worth keeping an eye on for the future.

FreePOS http://www.positive-feedback.net Software only
Hardly free, and rather misleading. I’m guessing their web site must look good on their computer but it looks terrible on mine with scroll bars up/down and left/right. Very confusing only to find some Dos looking software that isn’t free and looks extremely complicated to install and implement. Pass.

Bill Pro http://www.abcs-international.com Software only
I downloaded the demo for this one and it was quite impressive.
Pros: Free support for life. Free upgrades for life. Low price. Good documentation (all free to download from their site). Written in C++. Very fast and solid.
Cons: It was lacking a couple features that I needed (I don’t recall exactly what). Started to get a bit expensive when I added a 5 user database to the cost.
Summery: I might not have given this one enough attention. The support and information that has been provided on the site is very impressive and shows that the developer has a lot of interest in the software and that they want people to be happy with the product.

Links http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Sear … rant%20pos
Here is a handful of POS software only vendors, some of which I’ve already mentioned.

ezPower Restaurant http://www.denverresearch.com/ Software only
I talked online with these guys and I was quite impressed with their software.
Pros: Written in C++. Super fast. Light on graphics. Downloadable demo. One of the most intuitive systems I’ve seen, I was able to place a complicated pizza order right away and I even started to redesign the menu within seconds of running the demo for the first time. Very low cost.
Cons: No caller ID. No delivery functions.
Summery: If they could have told me that those two cons would be included within a year I would have purchased this one.

Point of Success http://www.pointofsuccess.com Software and some hardware
This is the one I went with. Rock solid from top to bottom! I never once regretted getting it.

All in One Point of Sale http://www.allin1pointofsale.com Hardware/Software vendor - support
This is a reseller for Point of Success that is local to me and also sells top notch hardware that is designed to work with Point of Success (as well as most any other POS software).

There is more out there but I think this pretty much covers the pizza specific POS systems.
I apologize if any of my information on a particular company is incorrect.
This is a culmination of 2 months worth of research, links and notes that I alone made while looking for a new POS system for a pizza restaurant that me and my wife were managing. This research was started on 5-2006, so some things may have changed or been upgraded since that time.

I hope that some of the things that I ran into, like “will install but will NOT do wiring”, will help others going through this maze of POS searching to ask the right questions and eventually find the perfect solution for their needs.

NTN Vision is now Intura Vision–that’s why you couldn’t get any info on the other website. I have been using it since its inception (multiple locations) and have been very happy with it. Their site is at www.Intura.com. Very user-friendly and great support staff!
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We’ve noticed a lot of web activity coming from this forum and therefore wanted to comment on a couple of points made by Scott in his review of FreePOS.

First, let me give you a little background on how FreePOS came to be. I used to be a reseller for a one of the major POS software products on the market called Silverware POS. SilverwarePOS is a great system run by an excellent company. If you want bells & whistles, they’ve got 'em.
I also did a lot of support for MICROS customers. Once again, MICROS is an excellent product.

With these products everytime I sold a POS system with 4 terminals, it always ended up costing the restaurant owner $20K+. I got tired of looking my restaurant owners in the eye and telling them that “4 computers and some cables is going to cost $20,000”. They were & are my friends and I knew it shouldn’t. So I programmed an alternative.

FreePOS started off as being a glorified cash register program. It was great for this and every year since its early Beta-releases more and more features have been added. Today, FreePOS is winning bids against the big POS companies… not because it has more features, but because the features it has are extremely easy to use. It was programmed by a guy who has cooked, cleaned, mopped & worked in a restaurant.

Scott mentioned that FreePOS is not free. This is not true. We have over 100 restaurants using it free every day. What might have been more accurate to say is that “If you want all the features available and free telephone start-up support, you must register”. Positive Feedback Software is a small company and we charge an optional one time fee of $99.95 per terminal if the user wishes to register. Registering FreePOS helps us keep new features coming (which are always free to download) and it also entitles our customers to discounted ongoing technical support.

And now the moment of truth, which explains most of Scott’s comments: FreePOS is NOT really designed for the Pizza industry. We have a lot of Italian table service restaurants using it, but FreePOS isn’t going to run a high volume delivery place like Dominos or Papa’s. FreePOS does a great job on carryout & table service. It also does okay on low volume delivery (<20 orders out at a time). All of my experience is in fine dining & table service - so that is what FreePOS is best at.

This is not to say that FreePOS is only suitable in low volume establishments. We’ve got it in Popeye’s Chicken, Subway and many other places that close 700-800 checks a day.

As the programmer of FreePOS, I admit and recognize that FreePOS is a huge program with many configuration options… and this makes it hard to set up and configure. Lately, we’ve done more to reduce the learning curve by running free training seminars, videos & updated documentation files. But Scott is right - there is always more to do.

Anyway, I really value the comments made by Scott and I wanted to explain the FreePOS product better to this forum’s readers.

FreePOS isn’t all things to everyone, but if you have just about any kind of restaurant that IS NOT pizza delivery, it’ll save you a ton of money if you put some sweat into it.
very helpfull review
ive been juggling on POS for a while my self there is just so many out there its almost confusing.

did you go with standard or premium version? and what kind of hardware did you go with ?
and if you dont mind me asking how much was the damage at the end?
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I got the premium version with a 5 user database, employee time keeping and a 4 line caller ID.
The hardware came from several places but the 4 main Mercury touch screen PC’s and the printers came from the All in 1 Point of Sale guy I found near Detroit.

Due to a long and sad story, my system never got installed into the restaurant. I got it about 90% ready to go and then the whole deal fell apart. I’ve been advertizing it locally and on Craigslist ( http://annarbor.craigslist.org/sys/200833962.html ) to see if anyone might want the whole shebang, but so far no luck. I’m about to start parting it out on eBay and sell the Point of Success package together probably cheaper than you can buy it new.

All told, this entire system ran about $13000.
Not trying to be a ahole here, but do think your"attitude" lost you the sale?

You have zero experience in this industry and you walk into a company that’s bringing in a little under 1 million a year and try to revamp his “messed up” business.

One thing you need to realize with us veterans in the pizza business is that we keep the main thing the main thing with slow change. Your implementation of this new system could have destroyed the years it took them to build.

I always get a kick from the “new” salesman with all the answers.
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Not trying to be a ahole here, but do think your"attitude" lost you the sale?
Me and my wife were managing the restaurant with an option to buy. The POS system was designed to improve OUR operation of the place.
You have zero experience in this industry and you walk into a company that’s bringing in a little under 1 million a year and try to revamp his “messed up” business.

True, I have zero experience in the industry but my wife has 25 years, many of them working for the owner in different locations he’s had over the years (usually fine dining, this is the first pizza place he’s owned).
One thing you need to realize with us veterans in the pizza business is that we keep the main thing the main thing with slow change. Your implementation of this new system could have destroyed the years it took them to build.

They had a system which mainly had them running around and trying to figure out who wrote what on a ticket. The place was way overdue for an upgrade, even if all it did at first was take and print orders.
I always get a kick from the “new” salesman with all the answers.

I certainly did not have all the answers, or I wouldn’t have spent 2 months researching POS systems!
I have been running Prism by Microworks now going on nine years. We switched versions and bought new hardware about 2 1/2 years ago. I have been very happy with the system and especially happy with the support.
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Any owners have experience with the Semicron Systems? This is the one I am leaning towards for smiplicity and cost.
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Can you just order the Pizza and Delivery software from Prism by Microworks and buy the hardware separately? Will they assist you in the installation if you do it this way?
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Hi Scott,

Can you give me your number, I would like to talk with you about your POS decision


Jeff Swavey
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Hey and i would like to talk to you about your system. I"m looking to buy and if I like Point of Success i might get it from you. I live in Canton Michigan, about a half hour away from ann arbor if that is the one i’m thinking of. I’d only need 2-3 if you really are willing to split up the package.

Please email me with details

[email protected]

Christopher Wagner
Wow! First let me say that you have made a good first run at finding the best POS system for your friends business. It sound like this is a high volume business and the POS system selected is going to greatly affect how they do business.

I have been a pizza restaurant manager, managed a large region for a restaurant chain (over 75 locations), and consulted in this industry for many years. Here are a few suggestions and the “golden rule” for weeding out POS software products that may not meet your needs.

You have described a high volume restaurant that sells pizza and provides a delivery service. As you already seem to be aware, this means that you will need to go with a “Pizza POS” product that is also designed to handle dine-in service in the manner the restaurant desires. While products such a Micros, Digital Dining and Aloha are excellent dine-in products, their pizza and delivery features are weak.

You will also want a very experienced installer and a “full installation”. Even though you have an IT background, believe me… you will want this in the end. Only an experience installer will be able to smooth the process of training and going live on the new POS system. Experienced installers setup 1 - 3 restaurants every month. After a year or more they have the experience to handle a busy location and can customize the settings of the POS system in a manner best suited to your restaurant.

So how do you choose the best organization? Use the ‘Golden Rule’! Get a list of referrals from the top POS software companies on your list. But change up the rules!
  1. Most companies will provide you with a list of their “faithful” customers. Ask the POS software company for a list at least 20 referrals from the same state and 30 additional referrals from your region of the country. If they cannot come up with a list this size, remove them from your list of potential POS providers – this POS software provider either does not have many happy customers or is too small to consider (think failure rate of new businesses).
  2. Do not call through the list from top to bottom. Select referrals randomly from within the printed list. Second, call until you have spoken to at least 3 business owners who are unhappy with the POS company’s software and/or service. You will often learn more from the negative responses than from the positive responses. If your first 3 calls provide critical or negative responses, do yourself a favor and call at least 3 more referrals. While this may seem time consuming, THIS IS THE MOST CRITICAL STEP.
  3. In the process of trying to reach the owner (referral), take the opportunity to ask the manager on duty what they think of the POS System and support. While their responses may not always be as accurate or in-depth, they are important for several reasons. First, the GMs and shift managers are often much more candid. Second, they know how often calls to support are required. Third, many POS problem are ignore in time or averted by rebooting the system or some other work around – ask if they have issues like this. Again, do not skip these opportunities. Talk to the managers!
  4. Make a list of questions critical your specific restaurant; HOWEVER, do not start right into your list of questions. Start by asking very general questions. This will allow the individual to elaborate about the strengths and weaknesses of the product. Starting with specific questions will narrow their train of thought. You want them to be free to think of the problems that they have experienced or possibly deal with daily but have learned to work around. Here are a few important questions to ask.
Note: Give the individual plenty of time to “open up” and respond to he general questions. Pause after each general question asked.

General: “How is the Support?”
Specific" “Do you reach a support tech immediately or does one call you back later?” “If they do not take your call immediately, how long does it take them to get back to you?” “Are they knowledgeable?” “How long does it take them to resolve your issues?”

General: “What do you like and dislike about the POS software?”
Specific: “Is it easy to use?” “Do the screens respond fast?” “Can it handle a busy environment?” “Does it have any bugs that you know of?”

“How is the delivery & driver dispatch software?” “Is it intuitive for employees?” “Easy to manage?” “How hard or easy is it to cash out / balance a drivers money?” “Does it prevent driver theft and coupon scams?”

“How is the dine-in software?” “How does your business do table service?” (This varies between businesses.) “Is it easy for your servers to use?” “Is it easy to recall and add to tickets?” “Does it allow you to split tickets quickly?” “How so?”

“How is the cash handling and balancing?” “Is it easy to use?” “Is it accurate?”

“How is the back office area?” “Is it easy of use?” “Is it flexible?” “Are the reports accurate?”

This may seem like a lengthy process… but it may not take as long as you may expect. By selecting referrals randomly from a long list, your chances of finding 3 unsatisfied owners will increase dramatically.

Finally, review your findings. How many positive responses did you get before coming up with the “unhappy” customers. Try to read between the lines with unhappy customers. Determine if these are real issues. And if you believe they are… are they deal breakers.

After narrowing the list, ask the POS software provider company and people from this community about your remaining concerns. The problem(s) could simply be that the system was not setup properly or the current owner / manager did not receive training from the POS provider. On the other hand, if the problem is echoed by multiple users and people on this PMQ board, consider that your concerns may well be accurate.

Best of luck to you![/i]
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Diamond Touch - Many people like this product. Their issue has always been in delivery, meaning installation & training. And even though you have an IT background, believe me… you will need a good installation team. Regarding Diamond Touch, many leasing agents will the installation issues, since they often have a difficult time getting the deal signed off by the restaurant owner once installed. You can’t afford to have this issues with a big restaurant. You need to have a full install with good installers / trainers.
I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would like diamond touch… Their delivery problems are the least of their problems. Wayyyyyy too many glitches, and just plain aweful programming. I wouldnt recommend this software to my worst enemy.
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This having been said, there are a number of products that will not cut the mustard out there. I really like Point-of-Success, but it has too many limitations and will not work for the location you described.
Can you please elaborate, Mr. RapidFire? What specifically will POSuccess not do? I’m using POSuccess and it seems to do everything that a single DELCO/Dine-In store would need (with exception to integrated online ordering). But online ordering was never brought up as a requirement in the original post. Without specific details and evidence to back up your claim, it sure sounds like your just bashing the competition.
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Please understand… “I’m a big fan of Point-of-Success!” I have spoken to Jeff Ward, one of the owners, on several occasions. He is a genuine and honest individual who provides good value to his customers.

Unfortunately, it is not a good fit for all restaurants, particularly those similar to the original post from Scott Swan.

The product may be a good choice for a basic Delco setup with simple pizza pricing scheme. However, it has printing limitations (For Example it cannot vary printing instructions by order type) and cannot handle more complex pizza pricing. These are just a few examples.

So as I said before, I am a great fan of Point-of-Success. They are a good solution for many pizza places. However, it may not be the best fit for locations with complex pizza pricing or the need to print items to multiple production areas.

I’m glad the product is working for you. Thanks for putting my knowledge to the test. Best of luck to you all!
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Rapidfire_Guy is another vendor in disguise with an agenda. Until he deleted his posts, he was bashing on more than just Point of Success. Pitiful.
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I do not wish to spar with you Mr. Dewar. It is counter productive.
Dewar's Pizza Bakery:
Rapidfire_Guy is another vendor in disguise with an agenda. Until he deleted his posts, he was bashing on more than just Point of Success. Pitiful.
I have never denied working in the industry. In fact, I have stated that I do in other posts. My user name is RapidFire_Guy because I provide technical support for RapidFire POS users.

If you examine each of the statements I wrote about Point-of-Success more closely, you will see that my comments were very complimentary.
“I’m a big fan of Point-of-Success!” I have spoken to Jeff Ward, one of the owners, on several occasions. He is a genuine and honest individual who provides good value to his customers.
I just don’t believe in the “One Size Fits All” philosophy. This is certainly true of POS Systems.

My goal is to provide some added value with my posts. I have over 30 years of combined experience in restaurant operations, consulting and technology.

POS systems are a very expensive investment and greatly affects how well a pizza restaurant operates. Hopefully readers will find my posts beneficial.

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POS systems are a very expensive investment and greatly affects how well a pizza restaurant operates. Hopefully readers will find my posts beneficial.
I can see someone told you to clean up your posts. Your first ones (now deleted) were antagonistic and not welcome in the Think Tank. As we have seen vendor after vendor with an agenda come in here and not be completely forthright, we all get a bit tired of it. You support RapidFire. By your previous deleted posts, you have some grudge against Firefly, you sell or support Speedline, and you don’t like Point of Success (probably because there is no commission in it for you). The only thing I would agree with you on is the lack of quality of DiamondTouch. But I sure will not trust your judgment here.
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